The effort of my last week of work, the Gyme Template was originally designed for use in my own game project, currently codenamed 'Project Gyme'. The template itself is named after the project, and was created through the observation of several different templates and what I felt was their best properties. I would like to take the time to thank those artists for taking the time to create their templates, and help inspire my own: Showkaizer, Kaeru-Sama and Kaos.
Moving onto the actual template, it could probably be best nicknamed the "Quarter Kaizer" due to it's even smaller proportions than that of the Half Kaizer, while still maintaining the same type of perspective. It is mostly a minimized version of the Half Kaizer, offering as much detail as possible for it's height and width. When designing, I intended to give it a realistic shape, thus I tried to avoid large heads, hands, and feet, ending in the result seen above. It fits with most RTP Tiles and doors, making it useable to those who work with RTP tilesets or that of similar size. An unexpected result also allows for copy-and-pasting of RTP hair, thanks to the fact that the head of the Gyme template is the same width as an RTP character's head. Some basic alteration and the same hair styles used for RTP sized characters can be used on this template.
For those who wish to see examples of what the Gyme Template is capable of, I direct you to the bottom of this post, where three examples can be found. The first two are original characters of my own design (the first using a copied and pasted portion of Fighter02's hair) and the third being Fighter01, whose RTP hair was frankensprited onto the template as an example of that feature.
For those interested in using the Gyme Template for their own project, you are welcome to do so. I only ask that you provide a link to your project's topic, as a sort of "wall of fame" for the useage of the sprite.
April 11th, 2007: Teen Female Added; two more examples in preview image
April 5th 2007: Female Template added; Teen Male Template Added