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The Goat in the Coat

I found this in a notebook from when I was 7 or 8 :x

Nothing beats that man with the goat,
The maniac had given him a black leather coat

I once saw a man with a pig in a wig
He looked like a woman it was so big
But nothing beats that man with the goat
The maniac had given him a black leather coat

Out on safari I saw a giraffe
He must have been cold, he was wearing a scarf
That surely beats the pig in a wig
He looked like a woman it was so big
But nothing beats that man with the goat
The maniac had given him a black leather coat

The other day I saw two goffers
They were wearing strange looking loaffers
But then I saw a giraffe
He must have been cold, he was wearing a scarf
That surely beats the pig in a wig
He looked like a woman it was so big
But nothing beats that man with the goat
The maniac had given him a black leather coat

But the best is the great big grizzly bear
He was wearing dotty red underwear
That one beats the giraffe
He must have been cold, he was wearing a scarf
It also beats the pig in a wig
He looked like a woman it was so big
But nothing beats that man with the goat
The maniac had given him a black leather coat

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