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The forgotten books thread!

This is a thread for identifying books you've read but have forgotten the title and author of.

I mentioned this in the kids' books thread, and now it's bothering me. There's some YA fantasy trilogy about dragonriders I really liked when I was a kid. The protagonist is a prince or something whose kingdom is taken over by an evil dude, so he has to flee and eventually winds up living with some talking sea otters who nurse him back to health from some injury. There was a scene during the escape where he had to crawl through some narrow caves. I think his sister, who is also a dragonrider 'cause she has the special birthmark or whatever, is captured by the evil dude. He eventually gets a shiny pearly white dragon somehow. Man, that sounds cliche as fuck, but it was the shit when I was about 10. Anyone read it? What's it called?

EDIT: Never mind, I managed to drag the dragon's name out of the depths of my memory and got it. Nightpool by Shirley Rousseau Murphy. Uh, anyone else got one?



Sure. there was a small series of books i read in school and absolutely loved. it was about this boy who runs away from home and create a new house by carving out the trunk of a huge tree.



I'll test your literary prowess....

There's this one book that's awesome but must have a weird title 'cause I've found it *three times* now and I still don't remember it. It's about a teen who's a bad seed and finally legitimately hurts someone, and to avoid punishment agrees to go to Alaska for some sort of spiritual...awaking? test thing. And then either he or his tour guide person gets attacked by a polar bear and yeah he comes back a changed man yadda yadda yadda. Read it in 6th or 7th grade.

There's another one that I've been struggling to remember... it's about cloning, and each clone you make is ever so *slightly* different than you, in that it's slightly more perfect - IE straighter teeth, nicer hair, etc. But I think it's like after the 2nd clone you make, they just turn evil. And I remember 3rd Clone tying up Original Guy and trying to take his place in society. I think I read it in 6th or 7th grade as well.
Tindy":277cj72e said:
There's this one book that's awesome but must have a weird title 'cause I've found it *three times* now and I still don't remember it. It's about a teen who's a bad seed and finally legitimately hurts someone, and to avoid punishment agrees to go to Alaska for some sort of spiritual...awaking? test thing. And then either he or his tour guide person gets attacked by a polar bear and yeah he comes back a changed man yadda yadda yadda. Read it in 6th or 7th grade.
Is it Touching Spirit Bear? I saw it in our library in elementary school and wanted to read it, but never got around to it. :[



This is probably obvious to everyone but me because it was pretty popular at my old school, but in like 5th grade we were required to read this one book and I fell in love, only to forget the name. :sad:

It's about this Utopian society where they see in black and white, and they have no memories of the previous generation, or something like that. Everything, from marriages to families to jobs are pre-arranged, and nobody has any emotion. It had a really ambiguous ending where the main character fled from the city, and may or may not have found another city. Or maybe he died. As I remember, it was sort of up to interpretation.
my.opium.eyes":1r906tbd said:
This is probably obvious to everyone but me because it was pretty popular at my old school, but in like 5th grade we were required to read this one book and I fell in love, only to forget the name. :sad:

It's about this Utopian society where they see in black and white, and they have no memories of the previous generation, or something like that. Everything, from marriages to families to jobs are pre-arranged, and nobody has any emotion. It had a really ambiguous ending where the main character fled from the city, and may or may not have found another city. Or maybe he died. As I remember, it was sort of up to interpretation.

There is something wrong with you to forget that book, just kidding. It's The Giver by Lois Lowry.



Yes! Thank you.

I don't know how I could've forgotten it, honestly. I'm just glad I know what it is now. I want to run out to the library immediately despite it being closed. :specs:



MOE > The Giver is fucking amazing. One of my favorites too! :D

Devvy: Yes! That's it! :D Read it, iirc it's pretty good.



I read this book about this boy in this small town. He worked near the woods, and at times he would go into the woods, and it became his own kingdom. He had this big church hall from towering ferns. He might have had a dog - I can't remember.

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