The DrumLive! Project is a rhythm-based video game still in early development. Using an input device to hit notes falling from the top of the screen, the play competes to achieve the highest score.
Unlike some other rhythm titles, The DrumLive! Project is based exclusively around percussion, and every song is dedicated to teaching the player the rhythm track. The original idea behind this game was to help me learn songs on my electric drum kit, but it has since expanded to allow for keyboard input using the ASDF HJKL keys. Because of the input change, the layout of the pads in-game is optimised depending on the input method in use.
Using the A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y and Space keys, the different drum pads can be pressed. All (except Y) relate to position of the pad visually.
- A: Crash Cymbal
- S: Ride (Y can also be used)
- D: Kick drum
- F: Snare
- G: Hi-Hat (Secondary)
- H: Hi-Hat or snare (Primary Hi-Hat) (Holding space makes this become a snare, creating a roll ability)
- J: High Tom
- K: Mid Tom
- L: Low Tom
- Space: Converts Primary Hi-Hat to snare
New Animated Title Screen
Song select screen with Default skin
Song select screen with K-ON! skin
Gameplay screen with DDR skin
Gameplay screen with Filthy Frank skin
Animated Title Screen
Animated song select screen
On selection, music begins playing and background fades in
Keyboard Mode
Keyboard Mode
Drum kit Mode
Current Tracklist
These are the songs currently available to play within DrumLive!. More community-created music packages will be downloadable from the internet once support has been implemented, but for now these songs will only come stock during alpha and beta and not in the final release.
- An - artcore JINJA [Touhou]
- ChouCho - Yasashisa no Riyuu (TV Size) [Hyouka OP]
- ClariS - Connect (TV Size) [Madoka OP]
- ClariS - Nexus (Short ver.)
- eufonius - Paradigm (TV Size) [Kokoro Connect OP]
- Haruna Luna - Overfly (TV Size) [Sword Art Online ED]
- Hatsune Miku - Mythologia's End
- Jin - Summertime Record
- Jouhou Shoribu - Se-no! (TV Size) [Yuyushiki OP]
- Meine Meinung - Oasis
- nano - SAVIOR OF SONG (TV Size) [Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova OP]
- Rhodanthe - Jumping!! (TV Size) [Kiniro Mosaic OP]
- Samuel Bilney - Encounter with the Sage of Luminosity
- Samuel Bilney - Opening Theme II
- Samuel Bilney - Prove Your Worth
- Samuel Bilney - The Epic Battle
[24/10/14] 0.2 - Second Test Release (154MB)
[27/07/14] 0.1 - First Test Release (69.3MB)