Beauty is not in the eyes of the beholder but is in the eye of society. Witness by myself, in not only my situtation but others as well from the same or opposite sex. The majority of people will decide if you are attractive or unattractive(this does not include media) phyiscally. This is very clear as I witness though out life the majority of people stated they found this person attractive or unattracitve.
Some say they only the inside counts. Well that is nice to say, but there is no reason to lie. Would you honestly date the nicest man or woman in the world if they are dirty, wear torn clothes, and 150lbs over weight? No. Everyone looks at the outside before anything and few look at the inside/outside.
Some say they only the inside counts. Well that is nice to say, but there is no reason to lie. Would you honestly date the nicest man or woman in the world if they are dirty, wear torn clothes, and 150lbs over weight? No. Everyone looks at the outside before anything and few look at the inside/outside.