The Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker is a three-part fiction series, titled Black, Red, and White. It follows the main character, Thomas Hunter, who through a series of.. well.. quite literally blows to the head, discovers that there are two worlds existing in parallel. The "Ancient Earth", which is actually our Earth, and the current "Earth" which is a high-fantasy based world.
Thomas Hunter has the unique ability to travel between the worlds, by dreaming. Although he has no idea which is the real world and which is the dream world, he is posed with a prevalent problem in each. In the "Ancient Earth", a terrorist organization seek to use a virus to take the world hostage and sell an anti-virus to accrue untold wealth and power. In "Earth", the delicate balance between good and evil has been shattered, so Thomas and his followers must fight for survival against the overwhelming 'Horde'.
I have just read these books, and was blown away. They are full of philosophy, religious parallels, and politics. Beyond that, there is a captivating love interest and plenty of action to boot.
The author, son of two missionaries, uses biblical allusion to strengthen the morals and concepts in the book. The idea of identifying the black and white of Good and Evil in a world of grey, and the themes of rebirth and revival are constant throughout the entire trilogy, particularly in the fantasy world.
For a book about philosophy, religion, and politics, Thomas Hunter is a bad ass lead. For no reason, other than to take up the charge of heroism, he stands tough against overwhelming odds and insurmountable foes. First taking on a major corporation, progressing to a terrorist organization, and then to the United States government. While at the same time, infiltrating the heart of evil, battling hordes of enemies, and eventually leading the world to peace in the parallel fantasy world.
I'm not pretending to be a great reviewer, but I highly suggest this trilogy to anyone inclined to good reading. And for those who don't have the patience or time to soak in a good book or three, there is a Graphic Novel print of this trilogy available as well. The artwork is beautiful, and perfectly illustrates the novels. I couldn't bring myself to put these books down, and recommend them in the highest regard.
Wikipedia Pages Black Red White
Thomas Hunter has the unique ability to travel between the worlds, by dreaming. Although he has no idea which is the real world and which is the dream world, he is posed with a prevalent problem in each. In the "Ancient Earth", a terrorist organization seek to use a virus to take the world hostage and sell an anti-virus to accrue untold wealth and power. In "Earth", the delicate balance between good and evil has been shattered, so Thomas and his followers must fight for survival against the overwhelming 'Horde'.
I have just read these books, and was blown away. They are full of philosophy, religious parallels, and politics. Beyond that, there is a captivating love interest and plenty of action to boot.
The author, son of two missionaries, uses biblical allusion to strengthen the morals and concepts in the book. The idea of identifying the black and white of Good and Evil in a world of grey, and the themes of rebirth and revival are constant throughout the entire trilogy, particularly in the fantasy world.
For a book about philosophy, religion, and politics, Thomas Hunter is a bad ass lead. For no reason, other than to take up the charge of heroism, he stands tough against overwhelming odds and insurmountable foes. First taking on a major corporation, progressing to a terrorist organization, and then to the United States government. While at the same time, infiltrating the heart of evil, battling hordes of enemies, and eventually leading the world to peace in the parallel fantasy world.
I'm not pretending to be a great reviewer, but I highly suggest this trilogy to anyone inclined to good reading. And for those who don't have the patience or time to soak in a good book or three, there is a Graphic Novel print of this trilogy available as well. The artwork is beautiful, and perfectly illustrates the novels. I couldn't bring myself to put these books down, and recommend them in the highest regard.
Wikipedia Pages Black Red White