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The Brothers {question}

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Hey I wrote a book called The Brothers and I am working on typing it up. I want someone to be my illustrator, so how do I register him as my illustrator?? He wants to be it too, but I have no idea to get his drawn pictures into my text on the computer.

Please help!



*Ahem* Dude, as bad a storyline as your "The Weak Spartan" had, I don't think many folk want anything to do with a book you wrote.  Besides, you're like, what, 12?  A professional publishing company probably won't take you very seriously. 
just tell me how! please? I want it at least put into a book that only I have. It'd look sweet!



No matter.  If you won't even capitalize the first letter of your post, then I still don't  believe you to have enough experience to get anything published.  Plus, they'd only publish your book if they got money out of it.  Trust me, the real world is tougher than you or ShadowCorporations seem to think. 
a.) Get Microsoft Word.
b.) Click on Insert > Image.
c.) Insert the image.
d.) Drag to where you would like it to be.


a.) Get Illustrator.
b.) Copy all your text into a text box.
c.) Import a picture.
d.) Drag it to where you want it to go.


a.) Get Photoshop.
b.) Paste your text into Photoshop.
c.) Copy and paste the image(s) into your image.
d.) Drag them around and size to your liking.


a.) Open your current word processing program.
b.) Access the help file.
c.) Read the help file.
d.) Follow what it says.


a.) Get something better than Wordpad.
b.) Try OpenOffice. It's free.
c.) Read those help files.
d.) Wait until you're older than 13 to start trying to publish crap.


a.) Go to a forum on a word processing program of your choice.
b.) Register with said forum.
c.) Ask your silly questions.
d.) Quit posting silly questions here. This forum is about sharing your material, not about asking how to use a damn program that doesn't have anything to do with RPG Maker.

The end.
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