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Testing a new style. (Sprite)

The biggest problem is that the template itself is shaded differently. It's hard to really give you good feedback when it's kind of a glaring thing.
Yeah, the style is cool and distinctive, but you're going to have to make sure everything else is shaded the same way if you want to use it in a game. The contrast between the clothes and the template is really jarring. That said, I think you need to focus on defining the form more; the hat looks good, but you just have a narrow band of light along the edges of the body, which makes him look like a gingerbread man or something. Also, the orange squiggly and the belt-ish thing (???) around the waist confuse me.
Thanks. Notes taken and I'm going to try and get this style right. Funny, I never even thought about changing the template shading. Duhh. lol.
I think you could still up the contrast on the skin. Also I'm not a fan of the new sprite. The colours seem much too bright to fit with the style.
On that new sprite, I can't help but think of Earthbound when I see it...I definitely like it better than the first one though, if only for the fact that the guy's shading matches his clothes.
The first one sets the tone and the mood of a person you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley, he looks like he'd be pretty intimidating... but the detail is very lacking, the color and shading is kinda poor and... the jumpsuit is way too tacky, I can't tell whats on his shoulders.

The second one just looks like some hard working farm hand, but on the spriting side of things he is very much well done! His skin tone looks more natural, his clothes look better, everything looks better. Although, he is a bit too colorful for my taste, I'd still say that its a definate improvement on coloring and detail, almost a commercial quality to the new style.

But as I zoom in, to see the shading detail, everything so far is two-toned, but I'm guessing thats just a rough draft. I would really like to see it more dynamically shaded when its done. Matter of fact, I think that was what got my eye with the origional, because the Kaizer template you're using is shaded, but the clothing and accessories are two-tone shaded. Just need to throw some detailed fading in and they'll both look alot better.

Don't over-tone it though, like the kaizer template, because that just feels too 'round' to me, just on a very light scale of shading, almost light enough where you would barely be able to tell too much of a difference... just like a happy medium between the two.
I really liked the first style, like alot. The contrast between the near black and the other colours worked really nicely. In my opinion you should stick to that style.



Yeah, the skin is lil bit to red, but the skinstyle rocks much more than the frist try.
Simple but nice. :)
I like it.
I like it, it's funky and different.

The "too red" critiques are right on though, he looks sunburnt or something.  :smile:
Yeah, I like the new style. Kinda pulpy neo-noir lookin', like cover art from those oldschool spy novels from the 70's. Which isn't a bad thing, if you wanna do that kind of game, it'd work well.

Either way, second image is loads better. Theres a big glaring difference in shading in the first one that lets you know where the editing starts and where it stops. The second one is more... coherant.

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