General info
Basically, this is the game that I use to test stuff in and to learn how everything works. It's not a serious project, but rather a fun one without the pressure to complete it. I am completely new at using RPG Maker XP and hopefully I can learn more about it by fucking around.
You play as Weeaboo, your typical anime catgirl. I guess this game is like Senfield, where it's about absolutely nothing. Just run around and hope nothing nasty kills you.
Name: Weeaboo
Age: 16
About: Weeaboo is your average Japanophile, who loves all things anime related and disregards any "Baka Gaijins" who stand in her way.
Name: Fuk Mi
Age: It could be 12 or 46, you'd never know looking at these Chinese people anymore.
About: Fuk Mi is your mail order bride who will do just about anything for you. Her name is plagiarized from an Austin Power's movie that wasn't that great.
(Picture coming soon)
Name: Your Mom
Age: 47
About: Your Mom is a wonderful woman and an outstanding citizen. Her cookies are to die for and why can't you clean up your room when she tells you to? She told you 10 times already!
Generic RPG Maker sprites and graphics
Horrible, God awful events
(So far...)
What I want to learn
I'll post links to threads that have my questions. I'll update this later.
Basically, this is the game that I use to test stuff in and to learn how everything works. It's not a serious project, but rather a fun one without the pressure to complete it. I am completely new at using RPG Maker XP and hopefully I can learn more about it by fucking around.
You play as Weeaboo, your typical anime catgirl. I guess this game is like Senfield, where it's about absolutely nothing. Just run around and hope nothing nasty kills you.
Name: Weeaboo
Age: 16
About: Weeaboo is your average Japanophile, who loves all things anime related and disregards any "Baka Gaijins" who stand in her way.
Name: Fuk Mi
Age: It could be 12 or 46, you'd never know looking at these Chinese people anymore.
About: Fuk Mi is your mail order bride who will do just about anything for you. Her name is plagiarized from an Austin Power's movie that wasn't that great.
(Picture coming soon)
Name: Your Mom
Age: 47
About: Your Mom is a wonderful woman and an outstanding citizen. Her cookies are to die for and why can't you clean up your room when she tells you to? She told you 10 times already!
Generic RPG Maker sprites and graphics
Horrible, God awful events
(So far...)
What I want to learn
I'll post links to threads that have my questions. I'll update this later.