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Tablets work!



Well, I got a tablet for my birthday on the 19th, and I was happier than hell. I decided I wanted to work on coloring a bit, but ended up rushing through this and finishing it in around 1.5 hours.':|


It was pretty fun, but my hand really hurts now T_T

To tell you the truth, the coordination between the tablet and monitor you have to achieve takes some time and practice. I'm still pretty wonky when it comes to that.

I'll probably get on another drawing and actually take my time. Comments on this one?



It looks really good, and You have the exact style I have been considering working on for my project, If you feel like maybe volunteering your self to it's cause feel free to PM me, I just recently bought a .Com for it, which shows some commitment I think lol.



One thing I like about about 'em is being able to leave the entire background transparent instead of an ugly white block.



*waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-ha-ha-haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!* i want one so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!

how much do they cost in USD? and are they attachments like connected by USB or sumthin of the sort?



I am not anyone's slave! *stabs self*

Thanks everyone. :)

@aran: I think my tablet had cost around 200USD.
If you google Tablet prices you can find all kinds. I've seen one up for 1900USD... o.o
Nin10dork64 said:
Thanks, Kest.

Sorry Camisado, I usually don't excel in working in groups, mainly because I don't get the job done half the time. :P

As an update:
Hooah! Barret will beat yo ass!

Hehe, I sketched over the barret facecet and will color it soon.

I honestly thought that was Zangief when first I looked at it. You should do a Zangief one. Also, that's some pretty nice work you've got going on. I'd request you join a team of mine, but I'm not working on anything, and I hate teams. Go figure.



Well, I looked up Zangief, and did notice a striking resemblance. XD

Maybe Barret and Zangief should team up. :P

Thanks for the comments, everyone.

@jstreet: Wonky.



hey nin10dork64, i just got my tablet for $104 and its so cool. But i have, i think a few questions...

1.) what program do you use your tablet in?

2.) how many years have you been workin w/ a tablet?

3.) what features does your tablet have?

4.) where can you download 30-day trial of Photoshop CS2?

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