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Swamp Village Tileset

It's ...not horrible. I'd recommend fixing up the trees (take a look at the Breeze tilesets tutorial I made in the Tutorials board for basic tips), and to adjust the style of either the sprites or the backgrounds to match.
Actually, I believe it is exactly the opposite. The buildings blend in with the ground so well, that it is difficult to tell where one ends, and the other begins. Try darkening the buildings a tad, or something.
I like the water autotile of yours!
As for your building's walls I'd try cutting the saturation down a fair few points and that should help!
I don't mind the trees as they have that comic-book feel to them which I take your aiming for, except they seem a little too detailed compared with the rest of the tileset.
Also the top corner roof tiles don't line up at the brim!
The lights are good keep them!
Other than that the tileset doesn't have a lot in it. Try for some reed-like plants or some boulders. :wink:
yeah im going to change up the grass, and as for addons such as plants, rocks Etc. , im just going to copy the ones from the rtp swamp and desaturate them. screenshots up in a few.



For a breeze tileset, this needs so much work. It's too simple. The buildings are almost one with the ground. The roof is awful. It looks like paintbrush abuse? I can also see that your roof seems to be repeating in chunks in your screenshots. It shouldn't do that. How are the Breeze sprites meant to even fit in the door?

The whole peice just doesn't stand out from the background, either.

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