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Super Simple Vehicle System & World Map

This is a vehicle system that is similar to the Final Fantasy system. In this system, you get vehicles (a canoe, ship, and dragon), the world tileset for Aveyond 2 (free to use in freeware games), and some autotiles.

You can download the demo here: DOWNLOAD VEHICLE SYSTEM DEMO HERE


You really should download the demo, becuase this system uses a mixture of script, map events, common events, variables, and switches. However, if you think you can figure it out on your own, here is the vehicle system script:

class Game_Character

  def passable?(x, y, d)


    # Get new coordinates

    new_x = x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0)

    new_y = y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0)


    # If coordinates are outside of map

    unless $game_map.valid?(new_x, new_y)

      return false



    # If through is ON

    if @through

      return true



    # If unable to leave first move tile in designated direction

    unless $game_map.passable?(x, y, d, self)

      return false



    # If unable to enter move tile in designated direction

    unless $game_map.passable?(new_x, new_y, 10 - d)

      return false



    #check terrain for vehicle

    check_terrain(new_x, new_y)    


    # Loop all events

    for event in $game_map.events.values

      # If event coordinates are consistent with move destination

      if event.x == new_x and event.y == new_y

        @state = true

        # If through is OFF

        unless event.through

          # If self is event

          if self != $game_player

            return false


          # With self as the player and partner graphic as character

          if event.character_name != ""

            return false






    if @state == false

      return false



    # If player coordinates are consistent with move destination

    if $game_player.x == new_x and $game_player.y == new_y

      # If through is OFF

      unless $game_player.through

        # If your own graphic is the character

        if @character_name != ""

          return false






    return true





  # * Check the terrain for the vehicle

  #   @terrain (0=none, 1=river, 2=ocean, 3=air, 4=ground)

  #   @vehicle (0=foot, 1=canoe, 2=boat, 3=dragon)

  #   @state (true=passable tile, false=unpassable tile)


  def check_terrain(new_x, new_y)  

    @state = false

    @terrain = $game_map.terrain_tag(new_x, new_y)

    @vehicle = $game_variables[1]


    @state = true if @vehicle == 0 && @terrain == 4  #foot & ground

    @state = true if @vehicle == 1 && @terrain == 3  #canoe & river

    @state = true if @vehicle == 2 && @terrain == 2  #boat & ocean

    @state = true if @vehicle == 3                   #dragon

    @state = true if @terrain == 0





class Game_Player < Game_Character


  alias in_vehicle_alias update


  # * Memorize actor graphic


  def actor_memorize

    @actor_name = $game_actors[1].character_name

    @actor_hue = $game_actors[1].character_hue

    @battler_name = $game_actors[1].battler_name

    @battler_hue = $game_actors[1].battler_hue

    return true




  # * Restore actor graphic


  def actor_restore

    actor = $game_actors[1]

    actor.set_graphic(@actor_name.to_s, @actor_hue, @battler_name.to_s, @battler_hue)


    return true




  # * Enter a vehicle


  def enter_vehicle(type)


    $game_system.menu_disabled = true

    $game_system.save_disabled = true    


    if type != "dragon"

      @through = true


      @through = false    




    actor = $game_actors[1]    

    actor.set_graphic(type, @actor_hue, @battler_name.to_s, @battler_hue) 


    $game_switches[1] = false    #Canoe Off     

    $game_switches[2] = false    #Boat Off     

    $game_switches[3] = false    #Dragon Off         


    if type == "canoe"

      $game_variables[1] = 1       #set terrian

      $game_switches[1] = true    #Canoe On

      Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/047-Positive05", 100, 100) #play canoe music


    elsif type == "boat"

      $game_variables[1] = 2       #set terrian

      $game_switches[2] = true    #Boat On      

      Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/046-Positive04", 100, 100) #play ship music


    elsif type == "dragon"

      $game_variables[1] = 3       #set terrian

      $game_switches[3] = true    #Dragon On  

      Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/045-Positive03", 100, 100) #play dragon music







    return true




  # * Enter a vehicle


  def exit_vehicle


    $game_system.menu_disabled = false    

    $game_system.save_disabled = false


    if @terrain == 4


      if $game_switches[1] == true      #getting off canoe

        canoe = $game_map.events[1]     #get canoe event

        canoe.moveto(x, y)              #move to player's x, y coords

        $game_switches[1] = false       #Canoe Off   

        $game_variables[2] = x          #set canoe x coord

        $game_variables[3] = y          #set canoe y coord

        @through = true


        @through = false          


      elsif $game_switches[2] == true   #getting off boat

        boat = $game_map.events[2]      #get boat event

        boat.moveto(x, y)               #move to player's x, y coords        

        $game_switches[2] = false       #Boat Off    

        $game_variables[4] = x          #set boat x coord

        $game_variables[5] = y          #set boate y coord  

        @through = true


        @through = false                  


      elsif $game_switches[3] == true   #getting off dragon

        dragon = $game_map.events[3]    #get dragon event

        dragon.moveto(x, y)             #move to player's x, y coords        

        $game_switches[3] = false       #Dragon Off    

        $game_variables[6] = x          #set dragon x coord

        $game_variables[7] = y          #set dragon y coord        



      # get off vehicle



      # reset terrain

      $game_variables[1] = 0           


      # play walking music

      Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/044-Positive02", 100, 100) #play music










  # * Frame Update


  def update


    # if not on ground terrain, check for boat exit

    if $game_variables[1] != 0

      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)








Add An Additional Vehicle
1. Create a switch for your new vehicle. Call it "using vehicle" (replace vehicle with the name of your vehicle).

2. Create two variables for your vehicle. Call them "vehicle x" and "vehicle y" (replace vehicle with the name of your vehicle).

3. Add an event on your map for your new vehicle. Set it up to look like the other vehicle events. Modify the switches on the event so that they are for your vehicle, not the dragon, canoe, or boat vehicle. Modify the script call in the event so that it is for your vehicle. For example:



4. Put your vehicle sprite in your project's "characters" folder. Make sure that the name of the vehicle is exactly what you specified in step 3. For example, hovercraft.png

5. Get a peice of paper and write down the slot numbers for your switch, your variables, and the event you created for your vehicle. You will need to reference them later in your code.

6. Open the script editor and go to the Vehicle Script section.

7. In def check_terrain, add a new if statement for your vehicle. For example:

    @state = true if @vehicle == 4 && @terrain == 5  #hovercraft & swamp


8. In def enter_vehicle, add the switch you created for your vehicle to the list. For example:

    $game_switches[283] = false    #turn off the "using hovercraft" switch 


9. In def enter_vehicle, add a new if statement for your vehicle. For example:

    elsif type == "hovercraft"

      $game_variables[1] = 5       #set terrian

      $game_switches[4] = true    #Hovercraft On  

      Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/045-Positive03", 100, 100)


10. In def exit_vehicle, add a new if statement for your vehicle. For example:

      elsif $game_switches[4] == true   #getting off hovercraft

        dragon = $game_map.events[4]  #get hovercraft event

        dragon.moveto(x, y)                 #move to player's x, y coords        

        $game_switches[4] = false        #turn "using hovercraft" off    

        $game_variables[8] = x             #set hovercraft x coord

        $game_variables[9] = y             #set hovercraft y coord    


SephirothSpawn: I made this script after studying SephirothSpawn's (mr. talented!) vehicle script.
DerVVulfman: Enhancing the system!

If you find a bug, let me know! I'm crazy busy right now, but I will try to fix any problems. Or, if an advanced scripter wants to take over this project, feel free to do so (again, i'm crazy busy with work). There are some gotchas with this system:
1. Don't use terrain flags on any map but your world map. (if you do, put an if statement in the code so that the vehicle system only works with your world map.
2. If you use a tileset background for an event on your world map, your vehicle will go over it. Use an empty character sprite if you run into problems.



That's good, is there anyway to make the map loop? By the way, the dragon(air-ship) manage to get into the ice-cave. Is that how it's suppost to be?
The dragon can also take the boat... and when it comes out it does not seem to fly anymore (it gets stopped by the trees)... and secondly another dragon in the map appears.
Maybe you should disable the possibility of taking a vehicle when already on a vehicle.
However i like it.
Fixed! You can no longer fly into a cave, nor will the dragon land on the ship.

I could make the map loop, but I think that is for another script. There is one available, right?

Sure, just add a speed call into your script. Put it in the enter_vehicle and exit_vehicle methods. I'm not quite sure what the call is off the top of my head. Anyone else know?
I see the issue.

The problem occurs as you exit the vehicle. When you do, the character doesn't stay 'directly' under the vehicle, but takes a step forward... crossing terrain impassible borders (as it were). Boarding a vehicle doesn't create an issue (even though the vessel also moves forward one tile) as the vessel follows its own terrain rules. But leaving a vehicle with this problem could cause a problem.

While the 'forward step' feature would work fine with vehicles such as boats and ships (cosmetically as well as technically), you may wish to have a separate 'exit vehicle' system for air-based vessels.

Or an option for such by the end-user's choice.
Theres still an issue with the vehicles. I was in the dragon, got in the canoe from it, the canoe went on land, i got back in the dragon, then I went to its island and got out and I was in the canoe, and the canoe could only go on land. Plus the bugs with other maps I read about I don't think I will be using this which is a bummer because I like it...
well, this really isn't an issue, but when you are using a vehicle, the menu shows a vehicle instead of the main characters graphic. anyway to prevent this? or should i just disable the menu while in a vehicle?
Okay, I just fixed the canoe and menu problems. You can no longer enter the canoe (you fly over it), and the menu won't open when you are in a vehicle. :)

(I just got crazy busy with work, but I will add a speed boost to the dragon and map wrapping in a week, since I'll need this for my game as well.)
Hey sorry if this is a really easy thing I messed up on doing but I am having problems with the script when I put it into my own game. after I put it in and hopefully put the terrian tags on right I got in the canoe and noticed I can go through the ship but thats not a big problem but the big one I have is after I've been in the canoe everytime I get off onto land It turns my character graphic into a canoe.

So if you could please help me that would be great :D
If you need anymore info or maybe a screenshot or something let me know.
I found another bug... this is sorta like the canoe problem except it gets messed up with the boat too.

Land the dragon one tile next to the boat or canoe (so you're under the dragon and next to the boat). Face the boat and press the action key-- you should ride the dragon. Then if you land the dragon you become the boat! And you can run around on land as the boat and access the menu. It's nothing major, but still bad for gameplay.

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