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super request... Easy Hard? Ccoa or someone good help xD

Ok well I'm trying to do something for a netplay+ game... Neways I need a script that sets each item in the database to a 5 digit number. For example
001 00001
002 00002
003 00003
004 00004
127 00127

Ok well yea just set up the script with like the first 5 and I will edit it and add the rest of the numbers. Now the next part, I need another script that would be something like this in event form

If ActorName Paul applied
conditional branch (Some button) is being pressed
show text, enter Item ID
input number5 digits

Now wen I put in the 5 digits it should check that script and whatever item has those
5 digits.. for expample if I filled in 00001 It would give me item 001 out of the database wich would be a red potion.

Now if at all possible I would like to also have an item amount thing... Like I input the 5 digits then another one pops up thats 2 digits and lets me fill in the quanity of how many I want.

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