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I need to know how to make a skill summon a specific monster (eg. a phoenix) to be added to the party for that battle only. Are there any scripts that can do this?



i need to for this script, like in ff10, you take of 1 or more player and put into the party a summon for the battle, pls answer to the quest of this guy :eek: is for a good purpose


Awesome Bro

I made a demo about Summoning, it's using Events, doesn't take long to set a Summon up, But there are just 2 bugs I can't fix:
  • When you dismiss the Summon, only the first person has a battle picture, The other ones are blank.
  • When you dismiss the Summon, all the players have full HP and SP again.
Here's a demo of it, and can anyone see if they can fix my problem, But making as small changes to the events as possible.

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