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suikoden style weapons and an menu mod, request


I'd like to request a script that would feature the following:

Characters do not buy or find weapons, and equip and deequip between them. Weapons are locked, and can not be removed. Instead the player must take whatever character they want to have a newer more powerful weapon, to a blacksmith.

The primary function of a blacksmith would be to automatically remove the equipped weapon of the hero selected, and automatically equip a weapon based on what weapon was removed. Example is at bottom of explanation.

The blacksmith would essentially be a shop. Instead of "buy" and "sell" they would have "Sharpen", "Forge", "Deforge", and ofcourse "Exit".
Sharpen: This would technically just do what I just explained. It removes the weapon from the selected party member's equipment, and adds a new one based on what it was. You select "sharpen" then an actor and a message pops up. If you dont have enough gold "Sorry, I don't work for free" or something pops up (as with all other options). If you do then "Are you sure you want to sharpen (weapon level) (weapon name)?" with a "yes/no" option.
Forge: Essentially, to be honest, the same thing. However certain item/items would be needed. When you select "Forge" you would enter a sort of item screen, showing you all the items already in you're inventory that you can forge a weapon with, such as some kind of ore or magic stone.
Selecting an item would of course show a message "Forge (weapon level) (weapon) with (item)?" and a "Yes/No" option. Selecting yes would of course remove and replace the equipment automatically.
Only certain weapons can be forged - you can not forge a weapon that was already forged.
Unforge: I'm not sure what to call it other than "unforge" but it just undoes the above mentioned Forge. If a selected actor has a specific weapon, you can select it, have the message "are you sure you want to unforge (weapon name)?" with a "yes/no" option, and it is automatically removed and replaced with another specific weapon (explanationary examples all below).

Also would like to assign each weapon a "level" and blacksmith a "level". The blacksmith can only sharpen or forge weapons that have a lower "level" than his. So a level 4 blacksmith can only sharpen weapons of level 1 - 4 only.

Basil has a spear, it is weapon 001 in the database, and is called "Rusty Spear". It is a level 1 weapon.

He brings it a blacksmith who is level 3 and sharpens it for 100 gp. The weapon is automatically removed from his equippment, and replaced with weapon 002 in the database, which is also called "Rusty Spear" but is stronger and marked as a level 2 weapon.

He gains some forgable items and decides to upgrade his weapon again. So he returns, and "Forges" his "Rusty Spear" with a generic "Ore". The level of the Rusty Spear was 2,, so the new weapon would also be a level 2 weapon. The script would be able to give Basil the "Iron Spear", which is marked as a level 2 weapon as well, and is weapon 015 in the database or whichever.

He also choses then, to sharpen the new Iron Spear, so it is removed and replaced with "Iron Spear", which is 016 in database. The old one is of course automatically discarded.

The weapon is level 3 now, and so is the blacksmith. Basil travels around, gains more money, and decides to upgrade his weapon - but the blacksmith (lv 3) can not sharpen his weapon (also level 3). But he can deforge it. Basil decides to deforge his Iron Spear. The Iron Spear is automatically replaced with "Rusty Spear" (003 in database). The "Ore" is also gone, you do not gain it back when you deforge.

He goes across the mountains and finds a level 6 Blacksmith, so he can upgrade his weapon to at maximum a level 6 weapon. Basil decides to do so. He sharpens his weapon (003 is removed, and 004 is added). To the player it appears as if the weapon has a new name, no longer is Basil walking around with a "Rusty Spear" but a "Shiney Spear" (as weapon 004 had a different name). In all actuallity it's a new weapon.

Basil Decides to Forge another "ore" with Shiney Spear - and comes up with "Golden Spear" (023 in database if we must know). This was the same item he used on Rusty Spear - but because it was forged with Shiney Spear it became Golden Spear (also a level 4 weapon like his Shiney Spear). Basil then sharpens his Golden Spear 2 more times, and it is now weapon 025 in database, and is still known as Golden Spear and is considered a level 6 weapon.


Now if Basil never "forged" he would have 10 weapons. Let's say at weapons 4, 7, and 10 the name of the weapon changes, From Rusty Spear to Shiney Spear to Dragon Spear to Apple Spear. Every "forgable" item would affect each set differently.

Weapons 1-3, weapons 4-6, weapons 7-9, and weapon 10 would all be set to a different outcome. The "ore" would, as explanation went, turn 1-3 into "Iron Spear" of the same level, and 4-6 to a different weapon of same level, and so on.

But... Let's say Basil forged his Iron Spear from his Rusty Spear and Ore. The Iron Spear is not limited to levels 1-3, it can be a level 10 weapon if sharpened enough. And if deforged it will become the normal level 10 weapon. So you can continue going foward, but can not go backwards, if you really wanted an Iron spear, you need to have a rusty spear - if you don't have it, and instead have a shiney spear, to bad. Etc...

Also the ability to call an action that would, for story purposes, automatically change an actors weapon to a specific weapon of the same level. Everything works off levels, so if a weapon was tagged to be level 2, it will always be sharpened to a level 3 weapon, and it will always be forged/unforged into a level 2 weapon.

I know I over explained, I tried to get the details out in a way that conveys the request best without leaving thigns out.

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