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Substancialicious' HKCP Contest Workshop

Hello everyone, I've been a lurker for a while but never registered until recently. I wanted to give spriting a try, so I figured with the HKCP I could hopefully improve and contribute at the same time.


Finished, submitted.

http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/oo20 ... _face1.png[/imgzoom]

Face for the biggun HK lady, WIP.


http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/oo20 ... s/man2.png[/imgzoom]

http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/oo20 ... /girl1.png[/imgzoom]

http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/oo20 ... woman1.png[/imgzoom]


WIP. This steampunk girl I got started before I understood layers, so the pieces aren't separated or anything. This was also my very first sprite. :)
The hair could use more volume. It doesn't look that bad on the male since he has short hair but on the female it looks flat and held down to the scalp. 
Also you may want to shave a pixel of hair off the shoulder line  in the front views. It just doesn't look that long, plus it makes her look like she's shrugging. Great job so far though =)
On the side view of the girl you'll want to add more poof than that. Like on the top half near her forehead and the back could use some as well. Don't be afraid to go outside the template's outline a bit more. Hair doesn't have to be confined to those lines and if anythng it should be bigger and more outwards from them to look like it's on top of the head instead of just a color and pattern difference. Know what I mean?
Thanks for the advice everyone! I poofed the female hair up a couple of pixels, and make the male hair a bit bigger too. Has it improved any?
The face actually looks pretty nice. The mouth is a liiittle too big though, it looks like she's trying to frown really hard or something. Try to shrink that down a little and I think that one will be good to go.

As for your hair problems ...

http://pixelcocktail.com/HKCP/Working/S ... Help01.png[/imgzoom]

Also you're dithering a little too much. Make the highlights a little more solid without dithers. Not a huge amount.

Hopefully that'll help :3
Point taken on the face, after looking at it closer I noticed she looked like a sprite lovechild of Gina Gershon and the Joker... how's the update there?

Also I have a dumb question. What's dithering?  :dead:
I've reworked the hair, made the outline and shading more solid (I hope  :blush:), made it bigger, etc. Hopefully it's improved a bit?
My apologies if this is double posting.

Old hairstyles have been refined more and two new hair WIPs have been added as well as a new face.

Thank you for viewing

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