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Story Needed

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:lol: I am making a legend of Zelda game. But I cannot come up with a good storyline. I am in need of some good ideas. I would like to know what people can come up with! :lol:
Well ....... This doesn't really belong anywhere in particular.

Since you're looking for story development, I'm going to say this belongs in Design & Development, because it just really isn't a resource request. There're more writers that do to D&D than RR anyway.

Moving :)
Ok how about this: Link has saved princess Zelda (finally....damn....) you can make the first dungeon the part where Link saves Zelda....then shortly after Zelda gets kidnapped again and Link says "Y'know what? **** this, **** this s****y hero gig, I'm off to be a god damn farmer" Then a completely new hero has to go save her (you'll be making the first original Zelda game since the 80's!) Link can then give the new player advice (like "Don't bother, she'll just get kidnapped again....I think she likes it") when the player goes to visit his farm to buy his old adventuring gear from him.

Seriously though, give a bit more info than just 'a legend of Zelda fangame' because if someone else just comes up with the entire story and you don't give any input into what you want then it's not really going to be your game, you'll be making someone elses game and that'll make it hard to finish the project.
Im just looking for Ideas.

Heres what I know I want to include...
Ganondorf is freed from his prison by his son. Who no one knew exsisted.
Ganondorf captures some land outside of hyrule where he gathers a army and builds a huge fortress.
I want the story to include the 7 sages, the mastersword, and of course zelda and link.
The will be a war raged between Ganon's army and Hyrule's army.

Does anyone have any ideas. Anything you say can lead to a revelation so please post anything.
Joker":16nvc40f said:
Im just looking for Ideas.

Heres what I know I want to include...
Ganondorf is freed from his prison by his son. Who no one knew exsisted.

Who on earth would want to make babies with Ganon? who was the mother? how old is the son? where was he until now? why would he bother to free an a*****e like Ganon? If he wanted to help Ganon why didn't he do it before?
Also I don't know a lot about Zelda storylines but I'd imagine Ganon dies after Link defeats him and is revived for then next game (not going to prison...I mean he kidnapped the princess and tried to kill Link when he went to rescue her)

Joker":16nvc40f said:
Ganondorf captures some land outside of hyrule where he gathers a army and builds a huge fortress.

Why did no one try to stop him before then? If link can kick Ganons ass why doesn't he just do it before Ganon starts building a giant fortress?
Why does he do something so huge if it failed the last time? why does he try a different tactic this time since he knows that plan always fails?

Joker":16nvc40f said:
Does anyone have any ideas. Anything you say can lead to a revelation so please post anything.


No one else knows how your mind works so we can't post anything that will lead to a "revelation" and no one can even really try without getting a lot of info first.
Ganondorf has never died, and when I said prison I didn't mean a jailhouse. Ganon is locked away in another realm (deminsion). And as for the other questions....that is what Im asking you.

@iceplosion- If you don't have any ideas then, for the love of god, stop posting!
Actually I'm trying to help you, I have plenty of ideas but I'm trying to prompt you to come up with your own since if someone else just gives you a storyline you probably won't finish the project (and we all know how bad that feels :sad:) but if you want me to stop posting, fine.



iceplosion":3qwrcz7b said:
Ok how about this: Link has saved princess Zelda (finally....damn....) you can make the first dungeon the part where Link saves Zelda....then shortly after Zelda gets kidnapped again and Link says "Y'know what? **** this, **** this s****y hero gig, I'm off to be a god damn farmer".

I approve this



kimpoy2006":22b92vj5 said:
Zelda's plots i think just involves taking a regular item and putting it out of the ordinary.
And yet, it is a necropost that adds nothing to help the original poster. Reported
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