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Story Help (Comic Book)

A friend and I have been creating the back story and events to a comic book for about 6 years. In the past year, though, my friend has stopped working on it with me and told me I could do without her. So I finally had the chance to do what I've always wanted to do. The problem is, though, there are a lot of things that we had originally written 6 years ago in high school that doesn't make any sense anymore. ^_^;
I'll get to what I need help on in a little bit, but first - the basic plot summary:

In ancient Greek times, the pure and innocent Persephone was kidnapped by the king of the Underworld, Hades - with the permission of Zeus, of course. Forced to marry Hades, and live away from her mother, Persephone sunk into a deep depression that soon turned into anger towards the Olympian gods. She started to plot revenge against her fellow gods, starting with Aphrodite first - whom had betrayed her trust. From this simple vengeance, a war was created among all gods which led them to destruction - with only a few surviving deities left.

Hades - who did not participate in the battle - became so distraught over losing his wife, that he kidnapped her mother, Demeter, in hopes to recreate Persephone. Unable to control the crops growth, they slowly begin to die leaving mankind with no food. Concerned, Gaea attempts to persuade Hades into letting Demeter go, but to no avail. She asks for Thanatos's help in the matter, but he is quickly labeled a traitor by his former master and is exiled from the Underworld. Together with Gaea, they decide to take back Demeter by force by resurrecting the fallen gods into the bodies of mortals.
Time is running out though, and the earth is becoming a wasteland.

Just in case things don't go as planned, Gaea and Thanatos reincarnates Persephone into a pure, human soul named Helena so that they may give her back to Hades. Only as a last resort, though, so she doesn't go through the pain all over again and seek revenge (once again).

Now for the actual problem/question:

At the age of 14, Helena is killed indirectly by Hades and goes to the Underworld. Within a year of her stay, she somehow escapes the Underworld back into her 14 year old body. She also happens to be an Empusa (in the case of my story, after sex, she becomes enraged and kills the person closest to her - similiar to the Witch in Left4Dead). The reason I made her demon that kills whoever she sleeps with, was to give her relationships with guys problems.

My issue is this:
I have no idea how Helena became a demon after returning to her original body, or how she actually escapes from the Underworld since...

Gaea wasn't going to bring her back from the dead to battle Hades, since Helena (aka Persephone) would be with him and he would release Demeter.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I would leave it unexplained, but I have a feeling I'm going to have the characters talk about this sort of thing sometime down the road. ^_^;

Thanks in advance! XD
She tricked Hades into letting her go for a day or so and something clung on to her as she was exiting? Then she didn't go back...
LooseEnds":1uusfvlb said:
She tricked Hades into letting her go for a day or so and something clung on to her as she was exiting? Then she didn't go back...

Yeah, I think I could use the fact that a demon clung on her while she was escaping, and now they are one in the same.

Thankies for your help on that! XD

If anyone wants to help on this:
What could a big brother do to a little brother, that would make the young bro scarred for life (like make him a coward and REALLY insecure)? This is for the same story, actually. ^_^;



Ummmm...the most obvious (and frighteningly insightful) thought I came up with was Rape. Weird...

Other options may include...

1. Extreme Humiliation in front of a bunch of pretty girls

2. Beating him senseless every day

3. Killing their Parents/Family (the whole Sasuke thing...)

...or Rape.
OS":1gqioyab said:
Ummmm...the most obvious (and frighteningly insightful) thought I came up with was Rape. Weird...

Other options may include...

1. Extreme Humiliation in front of a bunch of pretty girls

2. Beating him senseless every day

3. Killing their Parents/Family (the whole Sasuke thing...)

...or Rape.

I like how you mentioned rape - twice. I already have a character who is raped, so I cannot use that. >.>

I like your ideas, though. Thank you for them! XD

I especially like numbers one and two. Number three will actually happen - eventually, though. That was already planned. ^_^;

(I just got the internet back, which is why this "thank you" is so late).



Ah...I thought I scared you off with my Rape.

I gots more:

4. Big Bro dropped Little Bro down Dungeons full of high level monsters all the time.

5. BB killed LB's pet dog while LB was asleep and skinned the dog and put it's skin on LB like a blanket. (ew)

6. BB tortured himself horrifically in front of LB

OK, I'm done. Don't want to give myself more nightmares.

OS":2r84p4v8 said:
Ah...I thought I scared you off with my Rape.

I gots more:

4. Big Bro dropped Little Bro down Dungeons full of high level monsters all the time.

5. BB killed LB's pet dog while LB was asleep and skinned the dog and put it's skin on LB like a blanket. (ew)

6. BB tortured himself horrifically in front of LB

OK, I'm done. Don't want to give myself more nightmares.


Those are pretty gruesome, heh. XD

That would scar any young kid for sure! ^_^

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