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Steal Command script?

Okay...I need the steal command script

Detailed Description:
I need it to work with the VX battle sideview system,if you have played Final Fantasy you'll understand what I mean,you just basically go upto your enemy and steal something,can someone help me with this?
Try being a little more specific than this. When do you get the command? Is it a skill, an action, or something else? How does it work? How are the chances of success determined? How many items can you steal? Please describe the system in detail, because not everyone has played final fantasy, and you can't get the mechanics out of a youtube video. Also, the more specific you are, (and the nicer you are), the more likely it is that someone will fill your request.



#================================================= =============================

# Skill Steal

#by Atoa

#================================================= =============================


# go to the skills extensions and add the extension "STEAL" to it


# to add items to the enemies, go to the module Atoa and look for

# Enemy_Steal[ID] = {"ITEM" => RATE}


# ID = enemy ID

# ITEM = Item type and ID

# it always must be an string, with an letter and a number, like this "xY"

# where "x" is the item type, and Y the item ID.

# x must be "a" for armors, "w" for weapons, "i" for itens, "g" for gold

# RATA = % de of getting the item, an value from 1 to 100, can be one case decimals

# e.g.: 5.4 = 5,4% rate


# EG.: Enemy_Steal[15] = {"w6" => 22.5, "g900" => 12}

# That means that Enemy ID 15 (Enemy_Drops[15])

# has 22,5% of giving the weapon ID 6 ("w6" => 22.5)

# and 12% of giving 900 golds ("g900" => 12)


#  Remember that you can olny steal one "item" per attempt


#================================================= =============================


module Atoa

Enemy_Steal = [] # dont mess with this line


# You can steal the same enemy more than one time?

Multi_Steal = false

# If false, the each enemy can be stolen only once per battle, even if they

# they have more items (like the olds FFs)


# Base Rate

Steal_Rate = 50

# Note: even if it is 100%, that don't means you aways will get an item, since

# it's needed to check each item rate.


# Message if target dont have items

No_Item = "Nothing to stel"


# Message if steal attempt fails

Steal_Fail = "Steal attepmt failed"


# Successe of item steal. {item} represents the item name

# Must aways be added to teh get item messagem, or the name won't be shwon

Steal_Item = "Stole {item}"

# E.g.:

# "Stole {item}" - Stole Potion

# "{item} get" - Potion get


# Successe of gold steal. {gold}  represents the amount gained

# Must aways be added to teh get money messagem, or the value won't be shwon

# {unit} is the game currency, it's opitional.

Steal_Gold = "Stole {gold}{unit}"

# E.g:

# "Stole {gold}{unit}" - Stole 500G

# "Stole {gold} coins" - "Stole 500 coins"


# Add the list of items to steal

Enemy_Steal[1] = {"g100" => 50, "w1" => 50, "a1" => 15}

Enemy_Steal[2] = {"i3" => 22.5, "w2" => 5}

# You can add as many you want



#================================================= =============================

# RPG::Skill

#================================================= =============================

class RPG::Skill

alias atoa_steal_extension extension

def extension

case @id

when 84 # i'm using skill "Throw Weapon" as an example

return ["STEAL"]

# Add here the IDs of the skills with the stal extension






#================================================= =============================

# Game_Enemy

#================================================= =============================

class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler


include Atoa


attr_accessor :steal_items

attr_accessor :steal_flag

attr_accessor :stole_item

attr_accessor :steal_attempt


alias initialize_atoa_steal_enemy initialize


def initialize(troop_id, member_index)

initialize_atoa_steal_enemy(troop_id, member_index)

@steal_items = Enemy_Steal[@enemy_id].to_a

@stole_item = nil

@steal_flag = false

@steal_attempt = 0




#================================================= =============================

# Game_Battler

#================================================= =============================

class Game_Battler


include Atoa


def stole_item_set(user)

@steal_flag = true

steal_success = rand(100) < (Steal_Rate + self.steal_attempt) * user.agi / self.agi

self.steal_attempt += 1

return false unless steal_success

return nil if self.steal_items == nil or self.steal_items == []

item_stole = []

self.steal_items.each do |item, steal_rate|

item = item.split('')

if item[0] == "i"

item = item.join


item_stole.push($data_items[item.to_i]) if rand(1000) < (steal_rate * 10).to_i

elsif item[0] == "a"

item = item.join


item_stole.push($data_armors[item.to_i]) if rand(1000) < (steal_rate * 10).to_i

elsif item[0] == "w"

item = item.join


item_stole.push($data_weapons[item.to_i]) if rand(1000) < (steal_rate * 10).to_i

elsif item[0] == "g"

item = item.join


item_stole.push(item.to_i) if rand(1000) < (steal_rate * 10).to_i



return false if item_stole == []

self.steal_attempt = 0

stole_item_index = rand(item_stole.size)

item_to_steal = [item_stole[stole_item_index]]

self.steal_items.delete_at(stole_item_index) if Multi_Steal

self.steal_items = [] unless Multi_Steal

return item_to_steal




#================================================= =============================

# Scene_Battle

#================================================= =============================

class Scene_Battle


include Atoa


def pop_steal_help(obj)

@help_window.set_text(obj, 1)

count = 0

loop do


count += 1

break @help_window.visible = false if (Input.trigger?(Input::C) and count > 30) or count == 80




alias atoa_steal_action_end action_end

def action_end

if @active_battler.action.kind == 1

obj = $data_skills[@active_battler.action.skill_id]

if obj.extension.include?("STEAL")

@targets.each do |battler|

stole_item = battler.stole_item_set(@active_battler) and battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

if battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) && battler.steal_flag

item_stole = stole_item[0] unless stole_item == false or stole_item == nil

item_stole = nil if stole_item == nil

item_stole = false if stole_item == false or battler.missed or battler.evaded

case item_stole

when nil

text = No_Item

when false

text = Steal_Fail

when Numeric


text = Steal_Gold.dup

text.gsub!(/{gold}/i) {"#{item_stole}"}

text.gsub!(/{unit}/i) {"#{$data_system.terms.gold}"}


$game_party.gain_item(item_stole, 1)

text = Steal_Item.dup

text.gsub!(/{item}/i) {"#{item_stole.name}"}



battler.steal_flag = false









It's an skill, not an command.
Well I figured atleast alot of people have played some of the Final Fantasy games,so next time I'll ask for something,I'll make it more specific and thank you for the tips.

Thank you for the script,I really appreciate it.

Same to you although as you're still working on it.

I'll give credit...

I'm not much about errors but the script by Atoa,It keeps getting an error message what's basically this:



lol '-'
Line 2 is this: # Skill Steal
So it's impossible to have errors, unless you copied it wrong.
Re copy the script, remeber you have to turn off the line numbers in the post.



the script just add the "steal" effect to an skill.
And don't mess with the skill anim.

So the problem is with the skill movement config, not with the steal script.
Nice simple add-on I must say :)

One thing,
I have Multi_Steal = false, so all attempts after the 1st say "Nothing to Steal".
However, I'm hoping to have the Steal command disabled after one attempt, so it can't even be selected.
Though I'm figuring this would have to be done with a whole diff script. Am I right/wrong?

Thank you for viewing

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