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Status Window Request

Alright people. Im currently useing the RTAB w/ Anim battlers, along with the multi equip script, and the 'Tales of' menu script.....and the status window that the tales menu provides shows neither the multiple equipment, or a single battle image, instead it shows the whole sprite sheet..... i was wondering if someone could make a status screen to utilize these 2 scripts(anim battlers, multi equip)

the only restrictions i have really, is keep the stats(ie str, agi, ect) along with the other things, but just add more equip slots, and show only 1 frame of the anim battler, or his entire "ready" pose!
I remember doing this on my last CMS when I changed to Minkoff, I'm trying to find the script now. Basically you have both battlers (the full sheet and the single image) named the same way but the single one is in the Pictures\ folder. Then you just change a method to display that picture instead of the one in the Battlers folder.

As for the second, it takes a bit of work but depending on which multi-equip you're using i might be able to help. I'm about to do it in my new CMS, but I haven't tried it with Tricker's multi-slot yet. If you're using Guillaume777's it shouldn't be too hard.
This first part is untested. I had a lot of scripts going in the first project so I couldn't be sure. If you want, you can zip up yours and I'll test it all day and night until it works. Anyway...

Stick this anywhere. I'm sure the other scripters will yell at me, but it seems to work wherever. To be safe, toss it in your CMS script at the very bottom or in its own script:
def draw_battlegraphic(actor, x, y)
  bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(actor.character_name, actor.battler_hue)
  cw = bitmap.width
  ch = bitmap.height
  src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
  self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect)

And then find in your "Tales of Symphonia CMS":
draw_actor_battler(@actor, 190, 400)
and replace it with:
draw_battlegraphic(@actor, 190, 400)

What this means: Instead of drawing the picture that you set as battler in the Database, it'll find a picture in "Graphics\Battlers" named the same way as the actor's Character Graphic and draw that instead.

ex: Aluxes' Character Graphic is '001-Fighter01'
Because you have animated Battlers you set his Battler Graphic to 'Aluxes-Battler'
When the game goes to the Status screen, it'll look for 'Graphics\Battlers\001-Fighter01.png' instead of 'Graphics\Battlers\Aluxes-Battler.png'. Make sure it exists or you'll get an error. If you want the ready animation, take it out of the spritesheet and make it it's own picture with the correct name.
As for the second request, it might help to be a bit more specific with the amount of slots you want, it it may take me quite awhile longer to do than this quick fix. Since that particular window is Window_Base and not Window_Selectable, you can't scroll through it the same way and there needs to be room to display all the slots you'll have on a character.
for the slots i just have the standard, r hand, l hand, shield, helmet, armor, accessory, gloves, boots, and belt.....so thats 9 slots total and i plan on taking out the shield part and just use the 'off hand' for the shields and dual weilding and two handed.
Now that I've gotten a chance to look at it (was out all day yesterday), it's a simple edit to make. I just need to turn 5 lines into 8 while keeping everything else. Here's some ideas and I want to know which you want to do:

1. Remove the word Equipment (Adds 1 line to use)
2. Removing certain stats (You said you didn't want to and it's a Status screen, so not recommended)
3. Squeezing lines together (Could make a few lines, but I'm unsure how it'll turn out if you change the font)
4. Putting HP/SP on 1 line (Adds 1 line to use)
Well, are you using the original Status script? In order to make room for more equipment slots, just move everything to the side. Move all the stats to 1 (this will align all of the words onto the side of the screen.) and also, move the equipment to the side a bit. maybe around 196. im not sure how youll add the other equipment to it because, im using the exact same script, and it doesnt create more armor classes i dont believe. I tried adding in some more of the armor slots things on it, and it got an error. So im not sure how you would do this...
gorechild;183393 said:
Well, are you using the original Status script? In order to make room for more equipment slots, just move everything to the side. Move all the stats to 1 (this will align all of the words onto the side of the screen.) and also, move the equipment to the side a bit. maybe around 196. im not sure how youll add the other equipment to it because, im using the exact same script, and it doesnt create more armor classes i dont believe. I tried adding in some more of the armor slots things on it, and it got an error. So im not sure how you would do this...

He's using the Tales of version which already has a good deal of info on it, all of which he plans to keep. As for the Multi-slot, you need to use a loop to display all the weapon/armor slots

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