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Stats that level up MOD

I know I did another request recently... but I'm guessing this would be done easily (I could be wrong...O_o ) so I'm gonna ask if someone can help me out with this :)

I know there's s script that allows your stats to grow (the more you attack, the more you get strong, the more you get hit, the higher your defense gets etc.) And all this by eliminating levels.

( it's found here: http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6599&highlight=stat )

I want to make a similar system in my game, but not exactly the same...

1. Levels are not eliminated. BUT, the characters don't grow levels with EXP points. They grow levels by completing a quest in the game (for example) -- sort of like in Zelda, assuming the number of hearts you have is your level, when you beat a boss, your character grows a level and this is done with RMXP's default Event Comman "Change Level". Growing levels to a character doesn't change his or her stats at all (or anything else). It's just the value of his or her level that goes up.

2. Also, DEF never goes up in my game. The only way to raise DEF in my game is to equip new, more powerful armors.

3. The final major difference from the system I want and the one available is that stats go up by the character's level. For example, Hero1 (assuming he's at level 3) attacks. Add 1 to his STR EXP. When his STR EXP reaches a certain amount (let's say 10), raise Hero1's STR by the the value of his level (which is 3). When this happens, during the battle, a little message pops up on top of his head that says +3 STR! This applies to any stat that grows a level (if INT, intelligence, grows a level, then it will go up by the caster's level value... this is what levels are used for in my game).

4. So basically, this is how:
--STR Goes up:
STR needs 10 successful attacks to grow a level. When STR grows a level, INT EXP (NOT level, the EXP the character needs to grow a level in INT) drops to 0 (this way, if a person attacks all the time, he will have a hard time growing levels with INT).

--INT Goes up:
INT needs 10 successful casts to grow a level. When INT grows a level, STR EXP drops to 0.

--DEX Goes up:
DEX needs 15 successful attacks (Attack or Magic) to grow a level. When an attack misses, drop DEX EXP to 0.

--AGL Goes up:
Everytime the character's turn comes, +1 to AGL EXP. AGL needs 20 EXP to grow a level.

--MAX HP Goes up:
Everytime a character recieves damage, raise HP EXP. A calculation is needed here. The higher the damage, the more you get experience for the character's HP. So... assuming 9999 is the maximum damage that can be dealt. so that would be 100%. To grow a level with HP, you must recieve up to 10% of 9999 (so basically, HP EXP needs 1000 damage to go up). So if the character recieves 9999 damage, he or she will grow 10 levels with HP... that's too much, so to prevent this, the player cannot grow more than 3 levels at a time (if it's possible, otherwise... well I'll try to make sure none but my strongest monsters deal that much...). Also, HP goes up by {Level x 10}... So if the character's level is at 7, it will go up by 70 everytime. So the more damage you recieve, the more your HP EXP will go up.

-- MAX SP Goes up:
Everytime SP is consumed, +1 to SP EXP. 10 EXP needed to grow a level.

Another restriction though, would be that stats cannot exceed 255. Max HP is unlimited (if not possible, then 9999) & MAX MP is 999. No stats can go higher than this.

One last useful thing would be showing the stats:
(for the purpose of my game, the stat menu opens up when the player presses on the "3" key on the keyboard. If you could give me a tutorial on how to open up the Stats menu from an event on the map so I can force to player to open this menu if I have to, it would be nice :) )

So when the player presses on "3", he or she has to select one of the 4 characters (there are only 4 characters in my game). Then the stats of the chosen character appears. I have attached an image to show what I want the status screen to look like.

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