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States : Slip Damage +

States : Slip Damage +
Version: 3.5
By: Kain Nobel


This script handles and stacks multiple 'slip damage' effects, which can either act like a "Poison" or "Regen"-esque state. You have the options of setting a Direct, Percent and Variance modifier to the damage/recovery done with HP and SP. This script is way better fine-tuned than any other script I've ever come across of the same nature, and knows how to stack multiple-effects properly.


  • The following applies to HP & SP (Map & Battle)
  • A Direct modifier can be set to slip state values
  • A Percent modifer can be set to slip state values
  • A Variance modifer can be set to slip state values
  • Multiple "Poison"-esque states can be made with this
  • Multiple "Regen"-esque states can be made with this
  • HP values are stacked accordingly
  • SP values are stacked accordingly
  • Damage pop will let you know if poison is affecting HP, SP or both



# ** States : Slip Damage +




# * SDK Log


SDK.log('States.SlipDamage+', 'Kain Nobel ©', 3.5, '2009.06.17')

SDK.log_overwrite(:Game_Battler, :slip_damage_effect_base_damage)

SDK.log_overwrite(:Game_Battler, :slip_damage_effect_dispersion)

SDK.log_overwrite(:Game_Battler, :slip_damage_effect_damage)

SDK.log_overwrite(:Game_Party,   :check_map_slip_damage)


# * SDK Enabled Test : 


if SDK.enabled?('States.SlipDamage+')



# ** RPG::State::Slip_Damage



class RPG::State::Slip_Damage


  # * Test (This will print slip damage values, if you're testing...)


  Test = true


  # * Map : HP Direct


  Map_HP_Direct       = Hash.new


  # * Map : HP Percent


  Map_HP_Percent      = Hash.new


  # * Map : HP Variance


  Map_HP_Variance     = Hash.new


  # * Map : SP Direct


  Map_SP_Direct       = Hash.new


  # * Map : SP Percent


  Map_SP_Percent      = Hash.new


  # * Map : SP Variance


  Map_SP_Variance     = Hash.new


  # * Battle : HP Direct


  Battle_HP_Direct    = Hash.new


  # * Battle : HP Percent


  Battle_HP_Percent   = Hash.new


  # * Battle : HP Variance


  Battle_HP_Variance  = Hash.new


  # * Battle : SP Direct


  Battle_SP_Direct    = Hash.new


  # * Battle : SP Percent


  Battle_SP_Percent   = Hash.new


  # * Battle : SP Variance


  Battle_SP_Variance  = Hash.new


  # * Constant Defaults (Do Not Touch : Will Affect ALL States)


  Map_HP_Direct.default   = Battle_HP_Direct.default   = 0

  Map_HP_Percent.default  = Battle_HP_Percent.default  = 0

  Map_HP_Variance.default = Battle_HP_Variance.default = 0

  Map_SP_Direct.default   = Battle_SP_Direct.default   = 0

  Map_SP_Percent.default  = Battle_SP_Percent.default  = 0

  Map_SP_Variance.default = Battle_SP_Variance.default = 0


  # * Public Instance Variables


  attr_accessor :map_hp_direct,   :map_hp_percent,    :map_hp_variance

  attr_accessor :map_sp_direct,   :map_sp_percent,    :map_sp_variance

  attr_accessor :battle_hp_direct,:battle_hp_percent, :battle_hp_variance

  attr_accessor :battle_sp_direct,:battle_sp_percent, :battle_sp_variance


  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize(id)

    @map_hp_direct      = Map_HP_Direct[id]

    @map_hp_percent     = Map_HP_Percent[id]

    @map_hp_variance    = Map_HP_Variance[id]

    @map_sp_direct      = Map_SP_Direct[id]

    @map_sp_percent     = Map_SP_Percent[id]

    @map_sp_variance    = Map_SP_Variance[id]

    @battle_hp_direct   = Battle_HP_Direct[id]

    @battle_hp_percent  = Battle_HP_Percent[id]

    @battle_hp_variance = Battle_HP_Variance[id]

    @battle_sp_direct   = Battle_SP_Direct[id]

    @battle_sp_percent  = Battle_SP_Percent[id]

    @battle_sp_variance = Battle_SP_Variance[id]





# ** RPG::State



class RPG::State


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :advslipdmg_rpgstate_slipdamage, :slip_damage


  # * Slip


  def slip

    @@slip ||= RPG::State::Slip_Damage.new(id)

    return @@slip



  # * Slip Damage


  def slip_damage

    result = advslipdmg_rpgstate_slipdamage

    result |= !slip_hp_direct.zero?

    result |= !slip_hp_percent.zero?

    result |= !slip_sp_direct.zero?

    result |= !slip_sp_percent.zero?

    return result



  # * Slip HP Direct


  def slip_hp_direct

    ($scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) ? slip.map_hp_direct : slip.battle_hp_direct)



  # * Slip HP Percent


  def slip_hp_percent

    ($scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) ? slip.map_hp_percent : slip.battle_hp_percent)



  # * Slip HP Variance


  def slip_hp_variance

    ($scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) ? slip.map_hp_variance : slip.battle_hp_variance)



  # * Slip SP Direct


  def slip_sp_direct

    ($scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) ? slip.map_sp_direct : slip.battle_sp_direct)



  # * Slip SP Percent


  def slip_sp_percent

    ($scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) ? slip.map_sp_percent : slip.battle_sp_percent)



  # * Slip SP Variance


  def slip_sp_variance

    ($scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) ? slip.map_sp_variance : slip.battle_sp_variance)





# ** Game_Battler



class Game_Battler


  # * Slip Damage Effects : Base Damage


  def slip_damage_effect_base_damage

    @slip_hp = @slip_sp = 0

    self.states.each do |state_id|

      if $data_states[state_id].nil? || !$data_states[state_id].slip_damage



      state = $data_states[state_id]

      @slip_hp += self.maxhp * (state.slip_hp_percent / 100.0)

      @slip_sp += self.maxsp * (state.slip_sp_percent / 100.0)

      @slip_hp += state.slip_hp_direct

      @slip_sp += state.slip_sp_direct

      @slip_hp += 1 if state.slip_hp_direct > 0

      @slip_sp += 1 if state.slip_sp_direct > 0

      @slip_hp += 1 if state.slip_hp_percent > 0

      @slip_sp += 1 if state.slip_sp_percent > 0


    @slip_test = [self.name, "Base Damage", @slip_hp, @slip_sp]



  # * Slip Damage Effects : Dispersion


  def slip_damage_effect_dispersion

    hp_var = sp_var = hp_avg = sp_avg = 0

    self.states.each do |state_id|

      s = $data_states[state_id]

      next if s.nil? || !s.slip_damage

      unless s.slip_hp_direct.zero? && s.slip_hp_percent.zero?

        hp_var += s.slip_hp_variance

        hp_avg += 1


      unless s.slip_sp_direct.zero? && s.slip_sp_percent.zero?

        sp_var += s.slip_sp_variance

        sp_avg += 1



    unless hp_avg.zero?

      hp_var /= hp_avg

      hp_var = (rand(2) > 1 ? rand(hp_var) : -rand(hp_var))


    unless sp_avg.zero?

      sp_var /= sp_avg

      sp_var = (rand(2) > 1 ? rand(sp_var) : -rand(sp_var))


    if @slip_hp.abs > 0

      @slip_hp += hp_var


    if @slip_sp.abs > 0

      @slip_sp += sp_var


    @slip_test += ["Dispersion", @slip_hp, @slip_sp]



  # * Slip Damage Effects : Damage


  def slip_damage_effect_damage

    damage_hp = Integer(@slip_hp)

    damage_sp = Integer(@slip_sp)

    self.damage = Array.new

    self.damage << "Slip Damage"

    self.hp -= damage_hp

    self.damage << damage_hp

    self.sp -= damage_sp

    self.damage << damage_sp

    @slip_test += [self.damage]

    p *@slip_test if RPG::State::Slip_Damage::Test





# ** Game_Party



class Game_Party


  # * Check Map Slip Damage


  def check_map_slip_damage

    @actors.each do |actor|

      next if actor.dead? || !actor.slip_damage?

      old_hp = actor.hp


      if actor.dead?



      unless actor.hp == old_hp

        flash_color = (actor.hp < old_hp ? [255, 0, 0, 128] : [0, 255, 0, 128])

        $game_screen.start_flash(Color.new(*flash_color), 4)


      $game_temp.gameover = $game_party.all_dead?






# ** RPG::Sprite



class RPG::Sprite


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :advslipdmg_rpgsprite_damage, :damage


  # * Damage


  def damage(value, critical)

    unless value.is_a?(Array) && value[0] == "Slip Damage"

      advslipdmg_rpgsprite_damage(value, critical)




    hp_damage = value[1]

    sp_damage = value[2]

    hp_damage_s = "HP #{(hp_damage > 0 ? hp_damage : -hp_damage)}"

    sp_damage_s = "SP #{(sp_damage > 0 ? sp_damage : -sp_damage)}"

    bitmap = Bitmap.new(160, 96)

    bitmap.font.name = "Arial Black"

    bitmap.font.size = 32

    bitmap.font.color.set(0, 0, 0)

    y = 12

    unless hp_damage.zero?

      bitmap.draw_text(-1, y-1, 160, 36, hp_damage_s, 1)

      bitmap.draw_text(+1, y-1, 160, 36, hp_damage_s, 1)

      bitmap.draw_text(-1, y+1, 160, 36, hp_damage_s, 1)

      bitmap.draw_text(+1, y+1, 160, 36, hp_damage_s, 1)

      if hp_damage.is_a?(Numeric) and hp_damage < 0

        bitmap.font.color.set(176, 255, 144)


        bitmap.font.color.set(255, 255, 255)


      bitmap.draw_text(0, y, 160, 36, hp_damage_s, 1)


    unless sp_damage.zero?

      y += 32 unless hp_damage.zero?

      bitmap.font.color.set(0, 0, 0)

      bitmap.draw_text(-1, y-1, 160, 36, sp_damage_s, 1)

      bitmap.draw_text(+1, y-1, 160, 36, sp_damage_s, 1)

      bitmap.draw_text(-1, y+1, 160, 36, sp_damage_s, 1)

      bitmap.draw_text(+1, y+1, 160, 36, sp_damage_s, 1)

      if sp_damage.is_a?(Numeric) and sp_damage < 0

        bitmap.font.color.set(176, 255, 144)


        bitmap.font.color.set(255, 255, 255)


      bitmap.draw_text(0, y, 160, 36, sp_damage_s, 1)


    @_damage_sprite = ::Sprite.new(self.viewport)

    @_damage_sprite.bitmap = bitmap

    @_damage_sprite.ox = 80

    @_damage_sprite.oy = 20

    @_damage_sprite.x = self.x

    @_damage_sprite.y = self.y - self.oy / 2

    @_damage_sprite.z = 3000

    @_damage_duration = 40





# * SDK Enabled Test : End




Place above 'main' and below the 'SDK'


This script is likely to be incompatible with scripts which modify the following methods, since they're overwritten...

Game_Battler.slip_damage_effect_base_damage (SDK)
Game_Battler.slip_damage_effect_dispersion (SDK)
Game_Battler.slip_damage_effect_damage (SDK)

Due to the nature of the script, these overwrites were necessary and couldn't be aliased. Place this script ABOVE anything that overwrites the methods above^^

Not guaranteed to work with scripts that modify and display a fancy damage displays, but if it does it'll probably display damage like the default system. If you have any issues with this script VS a damage display script, I'll definately look into it and see how both work together.

This script does not work with "States : Regen" script from Kain Nobel Test Bed (v1.5). Please either use the Regen script, or replace it with this one since you can't use both!


All settings are handled within a Hash, and you have to check which setting you're applying. All settings either refer to the Map, or Battle; also, all settings refer to HP or SP, so yes you can make states that are "Poison" or "Regen" type for SP as well as HP.

Now, to ensure your settings look correct, they must look like one of the following examples...

Example A


  # * Map : HP Direct


  Map_HP_Direct       = {state_id => value, ...}

Example B


  # * Map : HP Direct


  Map_HP_Direct       = Hash.new

  Map_HP_Direct[state_id] = value

  #...etc, etc, etc...


state_id : The ID of the state (in database) with the setting.
value : The value of damage/recovery done by state.
Basically, a "Direct" setting will call a direct ammount of HP/SP damage (or healing) to a battler inflicted with that particular state.

For instance, if you have a state with a "Direct" HP modifier of 30, that means the state will do 30 damage (or heal you by 30 points, if -30).

A Direct value is calculated after percent, but before variance, but basically damage won't be 'exactly 30' if there is a variance or percent setting.
Basically, a "Percent" setting will call [value] percent of Max HP (or SP) to be damaged/recovered each time the state cycles.

For instance, if you have a "Percent" HP modifier of 50, that means the damage/recovery done by the state will be based off of [target.maxhp] at 50%.

A Percent value is calculated before direct and variance, but basically damage/recovery won't be 'exactly 50% of Max HP' if one of the other settings are modified.
Basically, a "Variance" setting will randomize the value of damage/recovery done by the state each cycle.

So, if you have a state with 0 variance, it'll just calculate Percent/Direct, however, if you have a variance of 15 then that means the state's damage/recovery value will be added or subtracted up to 15 points.

A Variance value is calculated after direct and percent.
In order to make a state to regenerate HP and/or SP, then you must ensure that the "Direct" and "Percent" settings of each state are negative (less than 0), this will trigger recovery. If you do one negative, and the other positive, then it might be likely to still be a 'damage' state rather than a 'regenerate' state.
Simply because slip states require values now. For instance, if you plug it in right now with the settings as-is and don't modify anything, then the default "Venom" state probably won't do anything in battle. Please refer and set the constants in the top of the script to set states with slip damage.

Please note, slip state values for Map and Battle are seperate, so a defined Battle slip state will do something but the map slip state likely will not.
Again, I'm aware of that issue but read the spoiler above this one; it tells you why.

I'll probably edit the script later when I have time, so if a state isn't defined within the script's settings, yet this checkbox is marked in the database it'll deduct maxhp at 10% like a standard slip state.

Special Thanks

Although this script was written from scratch, I'd like to thank the following for releasing their own versions of a script like this because I've learned from them, and their versions are the ones I tested.

  • SephirothSpawn
  • Trickster
  • Yeyinde

Author's Notes

I will most likely post a 'non-SDK' version when I find time, and if VX doesn't already have a special 'slip damage' feature like this then I might make a VX version for the families ;)

Comments, questions, suggestions and bug-reports encouraged! Also, if you have any compatability issues with this script and another one, please make a topic in Script Support and link me to the topic here or via PM. I will try to resolve compatability issues right away!

Terms and Conditions

Free for 'commercial' and 'non-commercial' use, credit is an absolute requirement!!! Please do not re-distribute outside of the community without my written consent first!
I posted the script!

Sometimes you've gotta 'lol' at yourself when you make those mistakes. I realised it the second after I hit Submit. I couldn't just turn around and edit it, I had to wait for it to be approved :/

Thank you for posting my topic and sending the PM! All better now :)

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