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Stat Points when lvling instead of stats instantly going up

I would like to request a script that would give you, every level the character gains, so many points (50 each level) for stats to be leveled up using. On the main menu, the Status option should be replaced with a Stats option. This should allow you to see you stats, your weapon stat bonuses, and how many points are left to be spent on each stat. I want it so that I can choose the amount of points that each stat costs. I also want it to include a level break script, or atleast be compatible with a level break script (I know theres alot out there.) Theres something else I want, I want it so there max stat level is 14, and there to be a couple other stats, such as weapon skill (for the four types of weapons: Blunts, Blades, Cleavers and Ranged) which would add damage to which ever weapon type you use, and also, an elemental deffence stat, which adds to which ever element (up to an A on certain elements) you spend the point on. (Also, I want on the Stats menu, to show what elemental deffences you have added by your armour, with an icon of the element, and what elemental strengths your granted by your weapon.) If someone can do this for me, thank you.

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