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Star Smurf

Essentially, I went to this website http://kaction.com/badfanfiction/ and it generated the following:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Star Fox and Smurfs. The story should use incest as a plot device!

So, I did. Mind you, this writing was basically written on a whim, so no real thought or planning went into it. It is not by best writing, and I mainly wrote it just for fun. I don't know if I'll continue writing it though. Well, here it is. Chapter 1 at least.

Star Smurf - Chapter 1
Reclaiming Smurferia

As the Star Smurf team traveled in their great ship through the blackness of space, their faithful robot spoke up suddenly, with a priority 1 message. “Message from General Smurf. Priority 1,â€
The team, on their way to the Venom, home of the evil, smurf-hating Gargamel, had to pass through the asteroid belt, Meteo.  General Smurf warned them of the dangers they might face.

“Now watch out for enemies in the asteroid field,â€
I don't think that you're really getting the nature of crossover fiction here. In a crossover, typically characters from one universe meet and interact with characters from another universe. Here, you've just taken the two universed and shmooshed them together to create an unsettling hybrid-world.

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