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~Star Light Pixel Rally Project~ <UPDATE:GMT +8:00 [07-24-2008]>

http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209 ... epromo.png[/img]

It was first made by Clest, one of the people who helped Legion in making the second installment of the sci-fi RPG series called Iron Gaia 2: Mana from Heaven. This was released in August 17, 2007. They were first used as character sets on the mentioned RPG then he made another kind, still under the Clest template and it was made for his sci-fi RPG named Star Light Romance.

He was the first one who made a template for those who wanted to make robot character sets for their RPGs but provided that they may make use of the smaller versions of his human templates in order to utilize its proportion...

Last February 10, 2008, a member named Dung Beetle, or in Gaming World was known as Cardcaptor Hatsuya or even commonly called as Hatsuya revived the Clest charset trend by means of producing his own characters using his template.

After Dung Beetle, there went Alicix, another member who utilized the Star Light template for his tactical role-playing game. After that, ama55 followed suit but this time he also utilized the mech templates of the Star Light!

  • Star Light Romance by Clest
  • Epsilon Alpha by ama55
  • Oppodian Revolution by Alicix
  • Star Savior Shinegate by Dung Beetle
  • Iron Gaia II: Mana From Heaven by Legion

Star Light templates will be publicly used in RMXP and RMVX games and right now, Clest and others began utilizing this template to its fullest potential.

So far, Dung Beetle started making various poses for the Star Light template and for now, he made some works in progress for Minkoff Animated Battlers.

Here are his progresses:
http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209 ... mplate.png[/img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209/hatsuyakanzaki0902/minkoff_clest_hurt-template.png[/img]

Once prepe's mech-related tutorial & workaround's done, other Star Light Enegrizer users will greatly benefit in using and creating Star Light resources

DUNG BEETLE, one of the generals of this rally, started his move for the STAR LIGHT project!

So what's with the Star Light template basically? Star Light template is an RTP-sized template that used less colors than its brothers namely the RTP and Half-Kaizer. It was inspired by the styles used in MegaMan games. The Star Light template comes in three flavors:
  • Star Light Medium - a.k.a. the RTP-sized version
  • Star Light Lite - a template designed to go along with mechas
  • Star Light Enegrizer - a mech template made by Clest

MARCH 17, 2008 (GMT+08:00) / MARCH 16, 2008 (GMT-08:00):
  • The Star Light Pixel Rally Project has started!
MARCH 18, 2008 (GMT+08:00) / MARCH 17, 2008 (GMT-08:00):
  • First contributor cited and promoted as the first Star Light Private and his name's rikuken
  • Dung Beetle made some progress on Star Light-styled Minkoff Battlers
MARCH 21, 2008 (GMT+08:00) / MARCH 20, 2008 (GMT-08:00):
  • prepe, one of the RMXP eventers made a tutorial resource for the Star Light project. His tutorial involves usage of mechas.
MARCH 29, 2008 (GMT+08:00) / MARCH 28, 2008 (GMT-08:00):
APRIL 02, 2008 (GMT+08:00) / APRIL 01, 2008 (GMT-08:00):
  • Dung Beetle made some revisions and his sprites were revised!.

Make a new thread and it must be entitled at this way: ~SLPRP~ [insert your thread title for the Star Light Pixel Rally] and it must be posted in Resources forum so that other Star Light users can criticize your masterpiece!


Star Light Commander: This rank is only given to the original founder of the template and that's Clest.
Star Light Generals: This rank is given to the next persons in command of the Star Light Template and so far, Dung Beetle, Alicix, and ama55 have this rank for they're one of the few people who utilized this template for their games.

Star Light Captain: So far, the highest rank for the Star Light Pixel Rally project. The Star Light Captains have superior spriting capabilities, they can now construct beyond the existing templates made for the SLPRP.

The Star Light Commander and Generals would have to judge it first before promoting to Lieutenant rank and you must be at Star Light Sergeant rank with at least 21 resources made for the SLPRP but there are some special conditions to be met. It's either the Commanders and Generals would ask you to sprite 3 pairs Ragnarok Online job class costumes or any other thing they may PM to anyone who wanted to be the Captain of the Rally.

Star Light Lieutenant: These spriters are some of the best of the best when it comes to Star Light spriting. Their quality is superb and the amount of resources they have constructed has been phenomenal. They are well on their way to becoming a Captain.

The Star Light Commander and Generals would have to judge it first before promoting to Lieutenant rank and you must be at Star Light Sergeant rank with at least 14 resources made for the SLPRP.

Star Light Sergeant: These spriters are very skilled and talented when it comes to making the Star Light resources, however because of either a lack of quality or quantity is all that is holding them back from becoming a Lieutenant of the Star Light Rally. With enough patience, hard work, and dedication they can go up in rank.

To be promoted to this rank, you must be a Star Light Private with at least seven charsets / tilesets designed for the Star Light template. However, the Star Light Commander and Generals would have to judge it first before promoting to Sergeant.

Star Light Private: Those who just made their first sprites/pixel masterpiece and this is where beginners start for the Star Light Pixel Rally. This rank aims to get more people spriting on this template and improving their skill. When enough quality and quantity is output they can begin their climb through the ranks improving their skills over time.


Use of Star Light Pixel Rally Materials:
If you use any Star Light Pixel Rally materials to create a sprite, even as slight as a recolor, you are required to credit all current members of the Star Light Pixel Rally Company and Clest for the Star Light Pixel Rally, for anything that you do. This applies to use in video games, videos, or in any redistribution of Star Light Pixel Rally material of any format.

Redistribution of Star Light Pixel Rally Materials:
You can redistribute the materials you have created from SLPRP material. However, you must credit all members of the team and ALWAYS credit Clest for the template itself. If you fail to provide credit, legal penalties will be issued.  If you are to use material non-commercially, you must simply provide the applicable credit.

Linking Material:
Please do not hotlink images found inside this topic. We have store all works finished or said to be incomplete with specific filenames for redistribution, this is to protect the original spriter's name and provide correct crediting for material.

We take pride in spriters work for the Star Light Pixel Rally. We have these terms in place to allow artists the correct crediting so they will continue to provide more material for this rally. Take these Terms of use seriously, if you fail to follow any rules listed here, you will have punishments taken into account.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... PmaleS.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/Clest/Resources/charsets/XPfemaleS.png[/img]
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... haraXP.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/Clest/Resources/charsets/protocharaFXP.png[/img]
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... otypeG.png[/img]
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... harset.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/Clest/Resources/charsets/mechcharsetshade.png[/img]
http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209 ... nakata.png[/img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209/hatsuyakanzaki0902/Chara005HatsuyaKanzaki.png[/img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209/hatsuyakanzaki0902/Chara007Hatsuyashi.png[/img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209/hatsuyakanzaki0902/AkizukiMikage.png[/img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209/hatsuyakanzaki0902/KanazawaHatsumi.png[/img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209/hatsuyakanzaki0902/SalvacionRivera.png[/img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209/hatsuyakanzaki0902/KanzakiHitomi-1.png[/img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209/hatsuyakanzaki0902/star%20savior%20shinegate/CHARA0001-HatoruMunakata.png[/img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w209/hatsuyakanzaki0902/star%20savior%20shinegate/CHARA0002B-KuujaMaehara.png[/img]


prepe - due to his tutorials that may greatly benefit other Star Light users
Dung Beetle
Dung: whoa, that is crazy, but that is fine as long as no mods are against it. I will eventualy post any updates and news to this topic :)

Riku: Awesome!! crazy transforming mech (I believe by the colors that the jet and mech are alternate forms of the same unit, correct if I am wrong). Nonetheless, awesome!



So I know it is not art, but I have made tutorial to get in, and out of mech's, that these would go great with. If it is good enough to work for these, I will finish the tutorial, so it adds move sounds, dash, and dash move sounds. Oh, and memorises the location of the mech, so if you leave the map, and come back, the mech is in the last place you left it. Tho it is event based, but when the tutorial is done you will be able to just copy, and past one event on every map you want it on!

Here check it out!

Tell me if it is good enough to work for these, and I will finish the other two, and maybe make a demo! If wanted.

Those look awesome BTW...><


Ha, Ha, Ha, The link is also in my Sig! I forgot about that, lol.



OK, I will have them done soon! When there done, I will put them all into one text document, and make a demo. Then I will PM you with it, so you can post it on your first post, or if you rather I can post it on a new post, it is up to you!




Well I have decided to not make the tutorial. There is just to much to do in it, but I have instead decided to make a project Engine for the mech's. I have a few questions tho, What type of stuff do you think I should put in there?

I am putting in the mech system with dash, move sounds, memorize location, and a hole set of stuff for a complete menu system, shop system, title system, save/load system, and game over system!

Now I don't know if I should do a 'ABS' style battle, or a 'CBS' style battle, or maybe I'll do both. You know, When you are on a mech missions you battle ABS style, and if you are doing a missions on foot you battle in a side view CBS style battle. What do you think? You decide!

If there is anything in particular you want in it, just say so, and I will see what I can do!

Now this is the last question, These are the sprites I made for the Engine. They are just recolors, and a couple edits. Tell me if you think the will work for it, or if any one wants give me some graphics for the mech, and/or the character you can post it here, or PM me with them, but if you do the mech I need one of it walking, one of it dashing or something like what I posted, and one of it crouched with the hatch down! Also I edited the template so it has the crouching, and crouching with hatch open. Hope you don't mind! Sorry I suck at art, lol.

here is my character,
here is my mech walking,
here is my mech dashing,
and here is my mech crouching, and with the hatch open,
Oh, and here is my mech template edit, with crouching, and with the hatch open,
I know very plain but like I said, 'I suck at art'. If you want to help me with the sprites then you can make your own, or just edit these. It doesn't matter, but remember, it has to be CLEST style! Hopefully rikuken will help, 'HINT','HINT'. :lol: I really like your mech, and I would also like to use your ship you made rikuken, For the side scroller! Can I?

OK That's all for know!

Oh, and I will be inputting a system so you can change the size of your characters graphic, thus making you smaller when in a hanger, and big when you enter a mech. Also you will retarn to the normal size when on certain map's, Like maps that don't have mech's in them!

I got another idea, I am also going to make a side scroller shooter type system, for that beautiful ship. Kinda in the style of R-Type! That one should be easy!  :thumb: I am also going to be asking for beta testers soon, so keep an ear out, well eye, for the announcement., but please don't post asking to be a beta tester till I make the announcement. I will make a new topic in the project section for the beta testing, but I will let you guys know when it is time also! So please, be pashent! @Dung Beetle, and Clest, you are already going to get copy's to beta test if you guy/girl/'s want to test it! Let me know! @Private rikuken, You will also get one, as you are the first Private. If you want to also let me know!

Dung Beetle, and Clest, What are your ranks?

This project will be exclusively for the  ~Star Light Pixel Rally Project~ and for RMXP.ORG. When It is finished, please do not distribute it to any other forums, or upload it to any other site with out permission from Dung Beetle, or my self. (Clest is also helping run this project right?, If so you may ask him/her also!), but you may link to this topic, if Dung Beetle don't mind?! Thanks!

Prepe: Interesting materials :)
Just have more contrast for the mech´s armor colors, right now it is all too dark, but generally good otherise :)

As for systems: I would either go full CBS or full ABS for both mechs and character battles, it looks more solid if the same system is used for both.

As for the shoter, I made a system for shooter in RM2k3, but ended just having a nom playable demo :P



OK, I will add more contrast and re-post when there done. Yeah I was thinking ABS since that is what everybody wants the most these days. I was messing around with the side scroller this morning, and came up with some very interesting stuff tho. I don't want to share and spoil, but I had a lot of fun! I will say your ship will have HP, and not X amount of lives, It seemed to fit better this way!



OK, You will be put in the engine as General Dung Beetle, and Clest will be put in as Commander Clest. :)

I have fixed contrast issue, and I still don't like it. If anyone has graphics to donate for the mech, or character, It will be much appreciated, and you will go in the credits for this project. On a better note, I have got the mech system done! Tho the hole memorize thing is being stopped right know, but I am working it out! coming along smoothly!

Here are the new Characters, There a little brighter. I still don't like them tho! :cry:
Well Here you go, C&C welcome, as it might make me better at recolors!

Holly cow, I made General?  :grin: Awesome  :grin: :thumb:

This is just one reason why I've promoted you as a General because you are about to pull off something revolutionary to the Star Light users. The ranking system was kinda strange when reaching the tops actually.

As for the mech... The color reminded me of the RF Online Episode 3's Bellato Red MAUs and you're about to make a great start with that sprite. Only the little Star Light people would fit in there, btw.



Well all was going good, but I have run into a problem. I am trying to work it out now, but I'm not sure how to do it. I got it to memorize the location, but when you leave it in one map, and go to the last map without it, It shows up in that map, and if you got back to the other map, It shows up there to, and I can fix that but, it will require a variable, and a number for that verbal for each map will have to be set, and that is the last thing I want to do, as I'm trying to make this as user friendly as possible, but if all else fails then I will take that rout, but none the less it is coming along smoothly! If anyone knows of a script that can set a certain variable to a certain number value depending on witch map you are on, please share. I know a little bit about scripting, so if you now how to make it, then also let me know, and I will attempt it. I have a question tho, do you guys/girls here at the ~Star Light Pixel Rally Project~ thread want it to be a one person ABS, or do you want more people to be in your party?


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