Star Conquest is a space shooter game, the goal is to conquer the entire 'galaxy', reach and conquer the last star, the galaxy is generated at startup, each stars have a set of planets that the player have to 'conquer', on startup the player is limited to one star, for each planets conquered the territory will expand, the game have a shop, highscores, 4 levels of difficulty (with various degree of random), different enemies and highscores. :smile:
- Left Click to fire and arrows or wasd to move, mouse to rotate in planet view
- Graphics: No skills in graphics so most sprites are taken from the free space sprite pack bundled with C2, others are customs, planets miniatures are generated using Space Engine.
- Sound: Some fx sounds are from C2 free resources bundle, also generated by the tool sfxr
- Music: Intro by myself, fight made specially for the game by Antoine R
100 events, don't use plugins
Work best in Chrome/Chromium
- Final HBGames contest release
- Balancing, some 'final' polishing
03/30/2012- More thing to buy in the shop
- Many new enemies added, some only appear on high difficulty planet
- Some sounds were added
- Main menu modified
03/29/2012- More thing to buy in the shop
- You can now win the game and submit your final score if you conquer the last star.
- HighScores
03/28/2012- More thing to buy in the shop
- One enemy added, more balance
03/27/2012- Some more graphics changes
- Money value vary with enemies&difficulty, score too
- Added musics
- Adjusted difficulty progression, it is harder as you progress
- Shop (not much things yet)
- Some bugs fixed
03/26/2012- Many optimizations done
- Another enemy was added, do not have anything special yet
- Mouse control the ship rotation, left/right is used to drift on the left/right
- Removed/added/replaced UI elements
- Some WIP sounds were added
03/25/2012- Conquest mechanics nearly finished, clear planets to raise the star territory (red circle when you pass on a star after finishing a mission), hard missions will tend to raise it higher
- Controls can be changed on the menu (Arrows or WASD)
- You can lose now
- Ship physics modified
03/24/2012- Menu
- Minimap indicating enemies positions and types
- Slight change in enemy AI (don't follow the player anymore when starting)
- Player start fight at a random side
- Some graphics modifications
03/23/2012- Some early UI elements added, also larger playing field
- Some more difficulty balancing between easy/medium (not polished)
- Armor bar, the player can now die (not polished)
- Enemies killed drop some money (no use actually)
- New type of enemy which follow the player around and fire when close
- Shield system
- Slight modification of the ship control
03/22/2012- Planet selector
- Firing with SPACE
- Enemies which orbits around planets, have two weapon mode
- Easy/Medium difficulty scaling (still early stage)
- Some fx such as explosions, space particles etc
- Some physics/performances tweaks