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Stack level too deep?

I did a search on this, but it was either deleted by the hack or I didn't understand it, so I'm posting this question here:

How can I fix the "stack level too deep" error when hitting F12?

It's because of this class:

class Font
alias font_fix_initialize initialize
def initialize
self.name = "Arial" # Font
self.size = 24 # Size

It gives the error for font_fix_initialize.

Thanks! ^_^
Um.. why even use that?

Font.default_name = 'Arial'
Font.default_size = 24

(Which shouldn't need any kind of a font fix anyways)

To fix that weird script though, just add a conditional for if the method isn't defined. The hidden classes aren't reloaded when F12 is pressed.
Paste this just above main:

# ** Module RPG 
module RPG
  class Bitmap < ::Bitmap
    Font.default_name = "Arial"
    Font.default_size = 24
    Font.default_bold = false
    Font.default_italic = false

Just using this module will automatically reset your default font to the specs you desired.

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