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spriting it because i can!

take a peak at this... i drew him... streched and skewed him to be smaller... and now im spriting him!!! so... what do you think? (he's still in the works)

http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i57/c ... sprite.png[/IMG]

C&c greatly appreciated!

edit: think of this as part two of the process...

http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i57/c ... rite01.png[/IMG]

edit(again): part three...

http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i57/c ... rite02.png[/IMG]

edit(yet again): final... done...

http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i57/c ... rite03.png[/IMG]

http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i57/c ... rite04.png[/IMG]

a brighter green to see it better (or worse)...!

as said before... C&c would be greatly appreciated! i'd like pointers to help out with future sprites!
Umm, well its very inconsistant. I mean he's got brown fur, armour plating, metal leg, white furred leg, green torso armour and a white furred tail. Whats going on?
like i said... i drew him... scanned him... shrunk him... and now im spriting him... also... he's only like... halfway done...

edit: Finished!



i think there needs to be more defanition in the foot, and darken the spikes on the shoulder... but it looks good :D
yep... sadly tho im not gonna make a sprite for this... ive got my hands otherwise full... but thanks fer the comments guys! im still open for C&c!

edit: @nexs... which foot?



sorry, but i like the other one better lol :P

it does look overly cell shaded though... i would consider using a few other colours in your pallet

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