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Sprite Scaling/Zooming on Maps

I'm using hand-drawn maps for my game and something I think would be essential is the ability to scale sprites depending on their position on a map (assuming the map in question features depth of any kind). I'm not sure what the best method for this would be, but if possible I thought placing two (or more) events at the top and bottom of the map (or wherever needed) with each event holding a different scaling factor would work well.

For example, in this mock-up there would be a event at the bottom of the screen with, say, 'Scale x2' and an event at the top with 'Scale 1/10'. Also in this example it would be best to decrease the movement speed as sprites get closer to the top event, it wouldn't be very convincing otherwise.

So, anyone want to help the hopeless?

Edit: Thanks for moving this, don't know how I managed to post it in the wrong place

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