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Sprite battles



I am using custom sprites in my game, so I am trying to get a script that makes it so when you are in battle, instead of the battler being there, you'll see the sprites. I would try searching, but I have no idea what it would be called.
Im not sure what you mean by this.
Can you give more specific detail?

I suggest Minkoff/Cybersam/Ccoa's CBS.
They let you use custom animated sprites.

You can find them in User Submitted Scripts.
Heheheh.... here's a system for you.
Minkoff's Animated Battlers - Enhanced v1.1
http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/ ... SCRIPT.PNG[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/FORUMS.PNG[/IMG]
Edited by DerVVulfman (07-17-2006) (based on Minkoff's original system)
Minkoff's sideview adaptation system. Usable for both the default battle system and cogwheel's RTAB system. Now allows for reversed battle positions and other features.​
Cybersam's Battle System
http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/ ... SCRIPT.PNG[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/DOWNLOAD.PNG[/IMG]
by Cybersam (?-?-2005)
Includes script & demo for version 2.5 and the demo for 3.0beta (little buggy). It simulates the experience of a Real Time Sideview Battler (AT Bar included), while still using most of the default battle system. Compatible with most Battle Add-On scripts.​
Side View CBS v 3.02
http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/ ... s/DEMO.PNG[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/FORUMS.PNG[/IMG]
by ccoa (06-08-2006)
Her sideview battle system using her custom battler animation system and advanced battle-command system.
RTAB version in the works.​

Scripts in the Submitted Script Forum are categorized in the FORUM SCRIPT LISTINGS topic.
By that, you mean use regular characterset graphics that walk on the map. Actually, that is possible with the Animated Battlers - Enhanced script in that the POSES CONTROL section of the script is editable. That, and you'd have to tell the system that you only have 4 poses (up,down,left,right) and that it still only has 4 frames of animation.

'Course, you'd have to have copies of these same charactersets in your project's graphics\battlers folder.

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