Unfortunately, in the past few months, our ads have been generating less revenue, and people have been donating less. We're starting to run into problems paying for hosting. While we're taking steps to address the issue, like looking into placing additional ads, a few more sponsorships would be enormously helpful to help us bridge the gap until we start getting revenue from them. If you use this site a lot and enjoy the community and resources available here, please consider donating; it would help us out a lot. We really, really don't want to do something like sell the site, so we need your help!
Haven't donated before? It's easy! Just Paypal some cash to $15 nets you a fancy sponsorship badge with the option to use a custom one instead, unlimited PM inbox size, the ability to delete your own posts and lock your own threads, the ability to log into the forum as hidden, the ability to change your forum name, and your own private (or public if you prefer) subforum for all of your game development needs! One new sponsorship pays for hosting for almost a whole month, so you'll make a tangible difference.
Haven't donated before? It's easy! Just Paypal some cash to $15 nets you a fancy sponsorship badge with the option to use a custom one instead, unlimited PM inbox size, the ability to delete your own posts and lock your own threads, the ability to log into the forum as hidden, the ability to change your forum name, and your own private (or public if you prefer) subforum for all of your game development needs! One new sponsorship pays for hosting for almost a whole month, so you'll make a tangible difference.