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Spirit, Slime, and Steven Universe


Again I could be wrong about the monster from The Magicians. Being pure desire, it's essentially Chaos. The symbol for chaos is an 8 pointed star. Pointing outward to everything. I could be wrong about this monster being put on an axle. What good is a compass when you're standing on the North Pole? It just spins around at random, right? However there is a hidden order to chaos, something very telling about the shape of the universe.

I have this unsettling feeling that ancient greeks, all the mathmaticians and poets, were aware of stuff. But they kept it a secret. The Eleusian Mysteries rites and the Illuminati are exactly the same thing. With poets, the arts and what not, it's bad form to explicitly name the theme devis monte escalier électrique. It's like the rules of the Pyramid Game Show. You can't tell them the answer. They have to figure it out.
To SEE the POINT. And every magician knows, when people know how the trick works, it kills the magic. The wonder is gone.



Haha, conspiracy theories are great. I'm sure the founding fathers had an inkling, if not more, about how society works. I mean, there's some really archaic stuff about Horus and Set, the union of upper and lower Egypt, remembering the past and looking towards the future. There are Pattern in history.

~Twinkle Twinkle Little...Bat. How I wonder what you're at.~

You have to wonder sometimes if these things are coincidences you should expect. Or if someone is actually standing in the center of it all. That's some spooky X-files stuff, or should I say χ-files? See what I did there? Ha ha ho ho he he
Maybe you're right, but I also think the Greeks are wise people who know what they're doing.

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