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Spell Potency Script..

Now, I've had this idea for a while. But suppose, spells didn't take just a certain amount of MP, and you couldn't use it after you didn't have enough. Thats boring and simple, and linear.

Potency: The power or strength of.

Suppose, your "MP", or in this case, SP, was the percentage strength of your spells! And each spell you used, decreased your spell potency by a certain %.

Certain events, maybe when the moon is overhead, and your an elf, could raise your spell potency, over 100.

And when you reached a certain low % of Spell Potency, like 30% Spell Potency, % wouldn't be taken away anymore. Afterall, who would keep using spells when they only do 30% of their effectiveness anyways?

I've always thought this idea was pretty neat, but it would take a whole mess of events to create a system like that, especially for every spell you make.

So here comes the idea, SCRIPTS! I can't script for my life, but I know other people can. And maybe for 3 or 4 lives at that. So heres my proposition:

Create a Script for Spell Potency, for the availibility and use of everyone that wants it. And I'm sure you find it ingruiging, at the least.

What would be nice in a script for Spell Potency
-Of course, multiplying the effectiveness that would be 100% of the spell, by the % of SP you have. Effectiveness includes status effect dealing, not only damage too. xD

-Making your minimum SP 30, and the maximum SP 130, representing the %. 30% to 130%.

-If possible, make it so that you can use Spells no matter what, even if you have 30 SP.

-If possible, so that SP Potions would only heal to 100% or 100 SP, and maybe some rare ones heal higher than that.

-The ability to be able to set the SP to a certain amount, for use in cutscenes or game events.

-Any other things people may want.

Remember, this script isn't for me, although it'd be nice to save for future reference. I AM making an ABS game, anyways. If anyone would be interested in this, keep it alive. Its just a random idea I had, anyways. I know its possible to make, I just wanted to share it.

If no one's interested, whatever. Haha. xD

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