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Spell Incantation

The game I am developing requires some sort of memorized spell incantation. It would require something similar to the blitz script, but instead of a key combo or a timed input, I would like the user to enter a string of text as the activation of a spell.

If possible, a direct relationship between typing accuracy and spell damage would be nice.

I imagine this would be something easier to script than the existing blitz skills. If anyone thinks they can do this, I'd appreciate it if you said so before starting the script. I have some rough but important details thought out.

Possible Systems:
1a. The spells tab in the battle screen leads to a list of spells. Once you have selected a spell, you must enter its corresponding incantation.

1b. The spells tab brings you directly to a input field, where you type an incantation first and the corresponding spell is activated.
-An "incantation book", or a listing of spells and their corresponding incantations, would be useful in both these systems.

-Incantation accuracy would be good for 1a. I don't know if it could be done with 1b.

-The incantations could be displayed combinations of random keys, that, when typed, cause words of the incantation to appear in a message box. When all of the random keys are pressed, the incantation is in turn completed and thus the spell is activated.

2. The spell is cast normally as with the default battle system, but upon casting, a message box appears and the incantation is slowly and automatically (No user input) revealed. (This one is different, but I would be absolutely fine with it all the same.)


Thanks in advance! :thumb:

PS: If you would do this for me, I would gladly create many, many facesets and non-pixel graphic resources for you to the best of my ability! Just tell me if you are interested.

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