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Specific Time System(Elaborate Request)

Hello all you scripters! Need a script to code? Come no further! Let EiB show you exactly what he needs for his little script request.

Isn't there already a Time System?
Yes, there are plenty actually. But however, I need one that is a bit more specific to my game's plot. Read below to get the full scope of this script.

How does it work?
The game will run on a fictional 24 hour clock. It will not be based off of Window's internal clock or any other clock, except one designed by the script.

For every twenty minutes in real life an hour advances in the game world. For every ten minutes a half of an hour passes in the game world, and for every five minutes in the real world, fifteen minutes pass in the game world.

Every fifteen minute interval, or chunk, has a switch correlating to it's time on the clock. For example, if it's 4:00 PM, I can run specific events only at 4:00 using switches.

I also need it so that the screen becomes darker as the sun goes down.

Addition to all that I need a mini-system where you can rest at your tent at any time, and the clock and screen tone is reset to 8:00 AM and the process repeats itself.

One last bit is to display the clock with an image background, no window, at the bottom center of the screen. The clock view can be toggled on and off with a button press and a switch for use with cinematics, etc..

I hope this enough information for you to use to create this script. I really need it, just PM if you are interested, and we can discuss some kind of repayment (no cash).

Thanks for taking the time to read this.^_^

Fufufu, See EiB I told you that Seph (or some other scripter, but mainly Seph :P) would take your request, if you made it decent enough. :D

And yeah this is a pretty good request, The only reason I couldn't do this myself is that 1) It didn't interest me enough and 2) I have a bunch of other requests to finish

*runs off*
And I don't? 0_0 j/k

Yeah, I heard someone told EiB that I would probably take this, but I won't mention who * looks for hard request to send your way *

About the script, after doing some planning, you will only need to modify a few constants

~ Real-Time Second = Time System Second
~ Tint Effects = { hour => [r, g, b, gray], ... }
~ Button to Toggle Clock
~ Switch Effects = { hour => { switch_id => case, ... }, ... }
~ Variable Effects = { hour => { switch_id => value, ... }, ... }
~ Effected Maps or Non-Effected Maps = [map_id, ...]

The tent idea is an easy one, and you will be able to control what time to move to.

In all actuallity, I think Near's ATS does this, but I will just do a new one. I will probably throw a lot of other options, such as a custom calendar and time form, meaning you can control the actual time units.

Units = [ 'Seconds', 'Minutes', 'Hours', 'Days', 'Months', 'Years' ]
Units = ['Marclards', 'Marclards II', 'Marclards III', ... ]

You will be able to control each unit conversion as well. I am going to think of the best way so you can control each independent, meaning, If the Year is 1, there are 12 months, but if its year 4, there are 14 months. There will be defaults to rely on if the "special instance" doesn't occur.

But you won't need to worry about that. ^_^

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