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special action or script??

I need when i reach a certain level with a certain class change class,
example: Lvl1=Swordman

And if that posible when it reach to that level put a mensage(as lvl up) Class Up!!!
Yeah, but a parreal process on every map is quite annoying :P
But then again adding an 'if' into game map to check wouldnt be that much better. LordFabi, are you happy enough useing events?


Awesome Bro

Common Event a tab the Database.
It's just like making a normal event.

But when you want to use it, Make an event on every map, and call the Common Event from that event.

Very easy to do, and if it lags your game, just get an anti-lag script.

you could also put the common event on parallel process and make the trigger a switch, and just activate the switch at the beginning of the game, then you have no need to have an event calling it on everymap

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