So this morning I decided to make a quick picture in PSP because I accidentally opened it. So I start off by make a few boxes with different shades of gray in them. I morph them out, add a blur an go crazy with the effects. I wasn't changing settings on them, nor did I really look at what effect I was using. After a good 3 minuets of adding effects, colorizing, blur, and darkening, I came out with this. Just a weird picture, but I noticed that it seems to have 3 faces on it. 2 on the side (equal thanks to Polar coordinates) and one in the middle... The one in the middle is the easiest to see, and hell- It seems as if it has a body, and er, something going on downstairs.
I wish there was a way to prove that none of this was planed, and I was really just clicking on random shit. I allready saved it as a JPEG so theres no way for me to go back and get its history, unless any of you know how I could grab the history of the steps I took to made this. That would be very helpful, I'm using Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9.
Be sure to zoom in to get a closer look
I wish there was a way to prove that none of this was planed, and I was really just clicking on random shit. I allready saved it as a JPEG so theres no way for me to go back and get its history, unless any of you know how I could grab the history of the steps I took to made this. That would be very helpful, I'm using Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9.[/IMG]