Spookeh":1rxzdx03 said:There is only so much I can say here; you've made it clear that everything is basically a work in progress. That being said, I will make a critique with what I can work with and you can keep in mind that I'm aware of your status with this one.
First of all thank you, that you took your time and actually wrote somethingi work hard on it each day and just some little tipps and toughts of other will help me alot.
Spookeh":1rxzdx03 said:The first thing that pops out at me is your main character. Hue is overflowing with inconsistencies and cliches. Most prevalent of these is how simply he fits into the "dense good guy" stereotype. There are already hundreds of main characters out there that are by nature generous people and who are good with a sword. Coincidentally, said people also have a tendency to be a little on the slow side. Hue is a carbon copy of these guys, and if the reaction to your main character is "been there, done that," your game won't possess lasting appeal unless you compensate with some amazing gameplay. This being an RPG, however, that's not likely to happen.
i kinda agree with this one, but what we have learned from game history or lets say main-char history is, that most of the main chars tend to be this way. it might be chewed up, but you have to agree that it is that, that works best for ages. of course there are anti-heroes and chars like that, but i wanted to stick with the main char to that clichee you spoke of so well in the next paragraph. also having an amazing gameplay is hard to realise, to make it more appealing is to have a good story, looks, ideas and things that will stuck to your memory :D
Spookeh":1rxzdx03 said:Another flaw I see in Hue is his very contradictory attitude towards people. If he was beaten and molested as a child, would he not have some degree of paranoia? It is understandable that he could have overcame his childhood trauma, but my impression from his attitude as an adult is that he has the utmost trust is just about everyone. In the same vein, he seems to have a very bright outlook of the world in general, despite his aforementioned childhood trauma and the oft blood-soaked life he has followed since. You may have already put some thought into this already, but it seems as if Hue has no aspirations whatsoever. Nor has he any hopes, fears, or quirks. He's just not very fleshed out overall. Again, though, he's a WIP and you have probably already thought over this stuff some.
as i stated out, there will be a prequell afterwards :D (i tend to think over many more things that i should do, that makes it all senseless at the begining but it will make sense afterwards, believe it :D)
Spookeh":1rxzdx03 said:Drifting away from the story aspects of the game, I'm a little concerned about your musical choice. I can't say a lot about this since I don't know how your game plays, but just use caution when using orchestrated metal/rock, even in battles. There are appropriate times to make things sound epic, and many of those times are indeed boss battles, but keep in mind that epic overused is not epic at all. Keep an open mind about your musical picks, and try to make choices that compliment the theme or mood you are trying to establish in each scene. This touches on that a little bit, so you might want to give it a read.
i kinda agree with this one, but what we have learned from game history or lets say main-char history is, that most of the main chars tend to be this way. it might be chewed up, but you have to agree that it is that, that works best for ages. of course there are anti-heroes and chars like that, but i wanted to stick with the main char to that clichee you spoke of so well in the next paragraph. also having an amazing gameplay is hard to realise, to make it more appealing is to have a good story, looks, ideas and things that will stuck to your memory :D
Spookeh":khh5hv4i said:I can't agree with you on this particular point. If I understand correctly, you're defending your character's being cliche by arguing that it has worked before. While this might be true, this logic, in my opinion, makes your character generic; just another hero. While indeed these types of characters are popular, they aren't memorable, as you're looking for. Think of a chocolate chip cookie and compare it to a ritzy dessert. You can eat hundreds of cookies in your life, and they may all be very tasty, but would you remember each and every one of them as anything more than a cookie, barring a few exceptions (say, a cookie with only one chip). But with a ritzy dessert, you remember it for what it was, and you probably remember a good many of your favorite things about it. If you want your character to be memorable, you want him to be the ritzy dessert.
The only other way I could interpret your meaning is that you are making Hue cliche exclusively for the fact that he would be cliche. For comedic reasons, perhaps. This doesn't strike me as that sort of game, though, so I'm doubting myself on this. Please do explain.
From: http://www.dualshockers.com/2011/01/21/ ... teresting/
Yet, what exactly does cliché mean? Is the term overused, or become some sort of go-to word when a character seems similar to another from one game to the next? Let’s take a look at this phenomenon in the gamersphere – does it really have to be synonymous with uninteresting, non-unique, boring characters?
The dictionary defines cliché as “(in art, literature, drama, etc.) a trite or hackneyed plot, character development, use of color, musical expression, etc.” and “anything that has become trite or commonplace through overuse”. To be honest, at first glance, many characters across all genres can fit into this definition. But, when you do something that most gamers don’t do and look deeper into a character throughout an entire game, you’ll find that very few are actually, truly, genuinely cliché from start to finish. [...] Playing games and getting involved in the characters and stories isn’t about distinguishing them from what has come before. No, it is about looking deeper, finding what is interesting, if not unique, about these characters and the situations they find themselves in. Use your head to think about the interactions, the dialog, the inflections in the voices, the tone the line is spoken in. If you do this, you may see that what defines these games isn’t anything like our initial perception of them, and you may uncover gems that you otherwise may never have known existed