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Some Pointers

I just started this week and I think im making some progress so, my question is has some one come up with a battle system similar to "Secrets of Evemore" (or "Chrono Trigger") (If dont know or remember this games use link below), in my story the main character has a pet that helps him around. Im not asking for someone to make one I just need pointers,:thumb: but any help will be apreciated.
http://www.gamespot.com/snes/rpg/chronotrigger/index.html?q=chrono trigger


Awesome Bro

gromstone;127542 said:
In my story the main character has a pet that helps him around.

Helps him in what way ?

Please explain more and I may be able to help, although I'm not a scripter, I'm exceedingly good with Switches, Variables, and Conditional Branches
Helps: In combat By attaking, healing, combine atk/mag and rebith. But I only want the pet to assist the character, the player will not have control of the pet in combat, unless he chose to use a combination atk/mag. While traveling the character can ride his pet(after a certain lv, his pet grows with exp), gain access to new areas(by jumping, swimming, climbing) by changing form (certain optional and story fight will give the ability to change form). . . jejejeje I think im asking to much, But im so in to having the combat system like "Chrono Trigger" or "Secrets of Evemore" that im only working with that. Anyway if you can help with any of that I will try to help out in anyway I can.

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