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Some of my poems

Most of these were wrote years ago, well here they are.

Child of darkness
Gazing up at where I once was,
I wonder...
With the darkness encompassing,
I feel safe and secure.
I wonder,
I wonder if I fell.
As I look around,
at the rain falling down,
I realize...
This fits me perfectly.
I wonder,
I wonder if I fell.
Or if I let go...

Truths of a broken heart
Made for a contest that had to be ten lines, use the ten words from below, and only one of those words per-line.
Took me a good hour to write this. I liked the challenge though ^_^ helps me past writers block.
It seems like only yesterday
We were watching the blackbirds
As they flew over the sea
When you made that promise to me
Before you laid siege to my heart
In others' opinion you tore me apart
I look at the broken fragments
But you were only an element
You simply couldn't escape my curse
For my heart is always in exile

Sour chocolate
Searching my memories
I find one that looks sweet
Pulling it out of the box
I open its soft wrapper
Little memory

On the smooth dark square
Smiles reflect in the light
I scratch the surface and
It starts to come back
Running with the wind
Almost as fast as our imaginations
Beautiful memory

I take a bite, enjoying the taste
Smooth, rich, and creamy
Just as I remembered it
Playing in the backyard
Smiling just to laugh
Beautiful, happy memory

This one seems so luscious
Thus I take another bite
I see the house where we used to be
Smiling with the friends I used to have
All from a time long ago
Beautiful, Bitter, Happy memory

I guess I bit too deep
Since it bit back
A wave of memories
Washed over me
Flooding my senses
With all kinds of emotions
These times in my life
Almost all but forgotten
Beautiful, Bitter, Happy, Hard memory

I think I'll stay away
From so sweet of memories
For looking to deceive me
I found a sour chocolate
Beautiful, Bitter, Happy, Hard memories

Tears (haiku)
i know it's a bit choppy because i started it off with the first letter of the first 5 words to spell out: later, my traditional signature. but decided that wasn't anything of a poem so here it is as a haiku.
Leaving Angelic
Teary Eternal Rains go
hit the ground so soft

My happy place
Walking through a field of flowers
Running across the hills
Rose petals flying in the wind
The smell of fresh morning air
is everywhere
I'll leave to show others
Give directions, put up signs
I'm visiting it more often
Rolling through flourishing grass
The grandest trees I've ever seen
I swear I smell the sweet water
Jumping from rock to rock
Mist from the waterfall
Three or four drops on my face..
Welcome to my happy place


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