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Some more crap from Owen Sael!



I know, I know. I suck. So what?

I have some more stuff here:

Just Do It

Go, GO, GO!
Just do it, already!
Don't you know?
The world ain't stopping.
You need to move.
You've got to do it.
You need to prove
That you can make it
In a world that moves.
Just go, Go, GO!
Just do it, already!

WARNING: DO NOT READ WTF is Apple Sauce? if you like understanding what is going on. I don't want anyone complaining that it doesn't make any sense!
Lol, the Internets are Memeing. How do you spell Meming? It ain't a matter but a bus don't drive on yellow bricks, baby. How do you flush a house of cards when the royal tenenbaums are breaking loose and smoking barrels roll round and round? Fun time is happy time; no more questions, misses or hitses, lawl the dice and watch 'em face up, diamond snake eyes glaring 'bout the wicked world, teeth wrapped over my head in a crown of elephant gold. IVORY and EBONY, to separate causes in a SEA of OBSCURITY, no more hatred for the pigmies, though the jews are the exception. Do not get me wrong, for I am always write on the money so I know if someone steals it. But you would need a hand of candy to entice the dwarven armorers into breading oxen with their women. Hail, King of Low and Behave, Knave, for the Lessor of Two Evils is the Greater of two Not-So-Goods. Does that make sense, because the change would be appreciated. Throughout time you may find an i, an m and an e and a t. NOT IN THAT ORDER! Stop procrastinating and learn from my mistakes: do not leave the oven on when children hide inside; do not attack the sleeping whore, she may be a zombie: do not rape the well-fed cow, whose methane-farts could (and have) cause a crotch-centric fire: and do not partake of human flesh if they have aids, even if you are REALLY REALLY hungry.

NOTE: I did things a little differently with MC than usual. For one, there is no emphasis on rhyming or flow. The rhymes that do occur while reading were simply accidental (though still make it sound cool, imho).
My Confession

Am I wrong to seek the answer
To that ever-present thought
Of what life is and what
Is not and all the things
That I have wrought
With these two hands
And this grey mind
Lost in disassembled time?

I confess that I am cold,
And I am lonely, and I
Have told this story
Once before, to a child
Who had no name.
He lived to play
A wretched game;
As it ended
So did he;
The last of the Players
In my Reverie.

I confess that I am young,
And I am sorry for what I
Have done, but I can never
Fix my wrongs, or unbreak
Broken life-linked bonds.

I confess that I am tired,
Holding up a head of wants.
No breeze to ease the heated
Thoughts; no rays of light
To warm the frozen aching heart.

This is my confession:
I have no answer for
My sins, no reason for
How life begins,
No desire to seek
This further,
For the end is near
To me. Rest in Peace.

Enjoy it or don't. Not looking for crits, just sharing a little piece of my soul.

Happy New Year!
Apple sause is the most amazing thing I have ever read. Thanks a lot, now I have to go kill myself.

Just do it was just weird; I have no idea what that was about.

MC was aight.



Just do it is about doing it. Whatever it is you want/need to do, JUST DO IT.

I never claimed it would be good. :P



Thank you.

I tried my best,
And dug deep inside,
To bring you something
You might like,
But now I am sick.
My toilet is full of vomit.


Thank you for viewing

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