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Some lyrics from written albums.

Hey guys.

These are some of my best lyrics, I decided to post them here, see what you think, to criticise me and everything else =P Mind you that I'm not english =P

How You've Grown

My, how you've grown
So pityful inside
Despite the shallow tone
Your voice reasons to hide
All your soundless cries
Behind the full grown tears
You kept the hurtful sighs
During all these empty years

I don't know who you are
I don't think I even care
What's left was a scar
And gets heavier to bare
You've grown so far
From what I used to know
You burried the brightful star
As you found more ways to grow

My, how you've grown
So wearyful within
The person that I've known
Isn't what it once had been
She sobbed loud and clear
Everytime she'd start to cry
But crying became a fear
And soundless, started to die

I don't know who you are
As I used to know before
And I see you growing far
Growing bitter more and more
And still you cry
But now I don't even hear
And I can't see you die
I can't dry your hurtful tears

King Moon (The Bright Eclipse Part II)

My life has darkned these past days
I write the words that my heart says
I never felt so damn alone
I already tired this stupid throne

On wich I've been crowned King Moon
King of the darkness and doom
With my throne standing bellow the sun
That has been faded with all that has come

And I rule this world of dark
Although I miss my lightned heart
What was left of my darkned dreams
If not the faded sound of screams

"King Moon", they call my name
"King Moon is not the same"
They say since the sun mixed
With the moon and eclipsed
I'm not the same

Well, what I was is not anymore
I can't smile as I did before
I can't cry over what became
'Cause I know it will never be the same

Still I wish the sun was high
I don't want any need to cry
Still I wish I could leave my room
But the dark has crowned me "King Moon"

As I sit in this lonesome night
I await the eclipse to be bright
I just wish it could be here soon
I'm so tired of being the King Moon...

The Peak of Steel Bones
Is a man supposed to feel
When he found there's nothing real?
As the blade trembly razors the skin
Leads a porpous for all to begin

Say good-bye to all your friends
For you've reached the dizzy end
So the blade that one man owns
Will be the peak of his steel bones

Is a man supposed to cry
When he found he couldn't fly?
Is it worth to shed a tear
If there was nothing for us to fear?

With this path we've all learned
That the tides won't stop to turn
If a man shouts out no moans
Has he reached the peak of steel bones?

Is a man supposed to lie
Even though he wants to die
There's no reason to be alive
In the tides he'll step and dive

There is nothing left to care
All was lost into thin air
If I feel that there was no throne
Then I meet the peak of steel bones...

Those are it. I have alot more, but, I think they aren't as good as those. All my albums are conceptual, so you may not understand some meanings of those songs, sorry =P But that was written two years ago, my english was even worse and some things don't make sense =P

Thanks for reading!

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