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Some Iso Stuff (WIPs)

Hi, everyone. I used to go to the old rmxp.net forums for awhile, and I'm glad I found the new place because I thought I would have to stick with the gamingw boards whenever I got inspired or something. I made a few iso things and thought I'd share. If anyone wants to use them in a chipset, feel free. Credit's appreciated I guess, but not neccessary (just don't lie and say that YOU made them :mad: ). Enjoy. :D

I'll post updates later, too, probably.

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/s ... /TREE2.png[/IMG]



That's a very impressive start on a new style. The tree-top looks too small for the trunk, though.
Interesting look, the textures are very unique looking.
Though from a pactical standpoint, these are kind of not very useful considering there is no functioning iso script for that angle. Considering you're not that far along, you might want to just make this an overhead tile since the trees and plants wouldnt need to change, using the angled cliffs as cliff ends, and cut the grass tile into a square shape. If you're doing 8 way movement, though, you might want to consider doing the overhead with occasionally angled objects.
That's a good idea. Overheads would be easier... But I kind of thought it'd be fun to do a couple iso houses or something. I'm not so sure where to begin with those, though.



Prexus wrote a working iso script. I don't believe he released it officially, though...
I have one for eight-way movement somewhere, or I did at least. I don't think I ever figured out how to organize the character sets though.

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