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by Fustel
v 1.0


Err.... Not really a real RPG... Rather a side-effect I wrote while readying myself for my 'Grand Projet', and fiddling with Events duplication.
I hope everyone heard of Sokoban. You know... that game where you get mad at pushing crates in a rat-maze-like room; only to get madder in a crazier one when you manage to put them on the right place.
So, SokoVX is that game written with RMVX.



You can get the ZIP file there:


You can change the appearence of the Sokoman by editing the Graphics/Characters/$SokoVXchar.png file

You can change the appearence of the Goal and the Box by editing the Graphics/Characters/!$SokoVXitem.png. The Goal is the first line of icons, the Box the second

You can change the appearence of the Base Tile and the Wall by editing the Graphics/System/TileE.png file. The Base Tile is the first on the first line, the Wall the second on the first line.

I even left the Title and Window files free to edit.

You can add your favorite soundtrack in the Audio/BGM directory. One of them is piched at random at the start of each level.

Collections & Levels

A collection is a text file (.txt extension) lovalted in the Levels directory. It may contain as many levels as necessary.

The collection files are subject to the following format :
Fixed Header:
6 lines.
the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th start with a ';'
the 2nd is empty
they are used for title and autoring information
Variable Header
any number of lines
they are used for comments
Header Termination
2 lines
the 1st is ' ' (2 spaces)
the 2nd is empty
Levels(any number)
Level Title
1 line
starts with a ';'
Level Data
1 line per row of tile
each character in each line represents a tile:
' ' (space) = nothing
'#' = Wall
'.' = Goal
'$' = Box
'@' = starting position
'*' = Goal + Box

'+' = Goal + starting position
Level Termination
1 line
it is empty

Knowing that, you can write your own devious levels... or download them from the web.
There are a lot of them at http://www.sourcecode.se/sokoban/levels.php. Only get them in plain text format.
It's a puzzle game where you have to slide all of the boxes onto teleport pads to complete levels.
It's harder than it sounds. @_@

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