I have a friend who, on a semi-regular basis, gives me flack about what I do with my spare time. "Why would you waste all your time inside staring at some sort of screen," he'd say while waving his arm toward two billowing curtains draping a large window with a bluer-than-blue sky and greener-than-green grass with a big yellow smiley face sun and a bunny hopping behind a bush, "when there's a whole world out there?"
Now because he's my friend, I generally don't feel anything threatening by it. However my parents, when I still talked to them, made the same criticisms of my life, and when I was still totally dependant on them (as well as being a good lil' girl) I found them to hold a bit more weight. But this time, I decided to look back on the subject a little closer, as my friend brought it up again and we got into the topic a bit more this time.
Now I expect the average response from the symposium to be "Well if you like doing it, and you can afford to do it, why not do it?" Another individual I've met, a nursing student now off on her final year placement, mentioned once that "an addiction is medically classified a hobby that you begin to do instead of essentials, like sleep/eat/work/etc. So if you're doing everything you need for survival, and then spending every other waking moment on one activity, you're not an addict." Which is fine, really. These two responses are the same things I use to justify spending most of my recreational time playing video games, surfing the net, and watching television/movies/anime.
But what if there's a bit more to it than that?
Here let me frame this with a portion of our conversation as my thoughts are a little jumbled:
Him: Why not go out there and experience life?
Me: I've seen your list of things you call "life" (it consists of hanging out with friends, being sociable, going to movies or concerts or bars or parties, attending interesting lectures or book readings at university, etc) and none of them interest me, I would rather forge my own definition of "life" based on my own hobbies and preferences.
Him: Well what do you consider "life" then, I mean you don't seem to care about self-improvement and your only form of self-gratification is gained by retreating into games. You're a shut-in.
Me: The words we use code underlying meanings, like the fact that you believe I "retreat into games" rather than the more positively worded "Exploring games" or just "playing games".
Him: You retreat into games specifically because you're hiding from the rest of the world.
Me: What if i'm not hiding, I just have no interest in anything that goes on out there?
You can kind of get the idea. His argument is that there's a whole lot of interesting stuff out there and that I'm throwing myself away by simply staying inside - sure ultimately I can say "fuck off sonny it's my life" but he IS my friend and I can't help but feeling like he's warning me about something I've overlooked. However on the other hand my argument is that I HAVE been outside, I HAVE participated in a lot of social events (from drama to sports to dorm-room style get-together activity house point bullshit to outdoorsey hobbies like fishing or rock climbing or hiking or whatever,) and found NONE of them to be appealing whatsoever.
Me: Your issue with what I do is that all the things i derive pleasure from, be they computers, games, internet, books, etc, are all indoor and solitary activities... what's wrong with that
Him: All things in moderation.
Me: But what's the point of having them in moderation if I've already explored other options and found them to be unenjoyable?
In the end this invariably leads back to his vague definition of "enjoying life", which generally means (for him) social interaction with others. I go to school and I work (though not at the moment.) I have profs I don't like, classmates I don't like, roommates I don't like, and when I'm employed, coworkers I don't like, and customers I don't like. I almost invariably find other people to be hell - just things I need to deal with so I can go the fuck home and do what I like to do. However, he (and he is in the vast majority in our society) hold up this social interaction as one of the greatest of life's experiences.
Him: Life is comedy between pals, fighting and rivalry friendly-style between them, the same with enemies as well, though to a lesser extent.
Me: I don't find this to be appealing, I've only experienced it a rare few times and it's nothing special.
Him: But those rare few times are what you should be living for! You should be looking back at the end of your life thinking of those moments and saying "That was the best experience of my life!"
Me: I don't want to live stringing together snippets of "best time evar" memories together on a cheap plastic Bratz do-it-yourself necklace kit. Maybe other people can live their life like that, but I can't.
I don't want to have a life where I force myself to like a group of people so I can create memories with them and constantly relive those memories when those people aren't around. People like this, these socialites end up marrying the first person they find that can stand them not out of any kind of love but out of sheer loneliness and fear of being alone at death. They have children that walk all over them with a mate they didn't like, and spend the rest of their years looking back on the "hight of their life" with a heaving sigh.
I don't want that. And I've found that immersing myself in other worlds than the "real" one - video games, shows, movies, anime, books, novels, the INTERNET - I am constantly bombarded by new experiences, new ways of thought, new ways of viewing reality... Why should I give this up for a few "timeless memories" that I can pine away for as I grow old and crusty? It's like an old grumpy saggy titty woman looking at her high school yearbook photo of her being a cheerleader.
Think about it, we've probably all done this one before. Ever sat at the computer at maybe 7 PM and opened an interesting wikipedia link, and read, and thought it was really intriguing so you opened related topics and read them, and kept absorbing more information, and being genuinely entertained on a semi-intellectual level by reading all of this neat stuff, and suddenly holy crap it's 3 AM I have work in four hours oh shit oh shit oh shit. We've all done that, we all know what it's like. This is a prime example of the kind of thing I'm talking about. You'll probably never remember the stuff you read about, but while you were reading you were, on some level, being intellectually stimulated. If you could constantly do this, be exposed to new methods of thought, new philosophies, new theories, new stories, new ways of being entertained... would you give it up?
Is it so bad that I enjoy isolation from other people? I still go to school, get decent grades, pay my bills - do everything required to fill survival needs and any other responsibilities concerning school/work. Any time, money, energy etc I have left over when those tasks are accomplished I can do with what I want, so why is there such a massive push to be social, especially on those who have no desire to be? Why should I force myself to attend events I'm not interested in to see people I don't like? How did the 'unhealthy' label even get applied to people living this way? Is it because they don't have any friends or they don't go out? But if they WILLINGLY have no friends and have no desire to go out, is that unhealthy? Why is the 'unhealthy' label slapped to people who simply want to do what they need to do to live and then be left to their own devices?
tl;dr - Is it so bad to avoid social interaction and isolate yourself from others? If you willingly do it, derive pleasure from it, enjoy your life, and still manage to not act unadjusted when you DO go into public, can you still be labeled psychologically unhealthy?
Now because he's my friend, I generally don't feel anything threatening by it. However my parents, when I still talked to them, made the same criticisms of my life, and when I was still totally dependant on them (as well as being a good lil' girl) I found them to hold a bit more weight. But this time, I decided to look back on the subject a little closer, as my friend brought it up again and we got into the topic a bit more this time.
Now I expect the average response from the symposium to be "Well if you like doing it, and you can afford to do it, why not do it?" Another individual I've met, a nursing student now off on her final year placement, mentioned once that "an addiction is medically classified a hobby that you begin to do instead of essentials, like sleep/eat/work/etc. So if you're doing everything you need for survival, and then spending every other waking moment on one activity, you're not an addict." Which is fine, really. These two responses are the same things I use to justify spending most of my recreational time playing video games, surfing the net, and watching television/movies/anime.
But what if there's a bit more to it than that?
Here let me frame this with a portion of our conversation as my thoughts are a little jumbled:
Him: Why not go out there and experience life?
Me: I've seen your list of things you call "life" (it consists of hanging out with friends, being sociable, going to movies or concerts or bars or parties, attending interesting lectures or book readings at university, etc) and none of them interest me, I would rather forge my own definition of "life" based on my own hobbies and preferences.
Him: Well what do you consider "life" then, I mean you don't seem to care about self-improvement and your only form of self-gratification is gained by retreating into games. You're a shut-in.
Me: The words we use code underlying meanings, like the fact that you believe I "retreat into games" rather than the more positively worded "Exploring games" or just "playing games".
Him: You retreat into games specifically because you're hiding from the rest of the world.
Me: What if i'm not hiding, I just have no interest in anything that goes on out there?
You can kind of get the idea. His argument is that there's a whole lot of interesting stuff out there and that I'm throwing myself away by simply staying inside - sure ultimately I can say "fuck off sonny it's my life" but he IS my friend and I can't help but feeling like he's warning me about something I've overlooked. However on the other hand my argument is that I HAVE been outside, I HAVE participated in a lot of social events (from drama to sports to dorm-room style get-together activity house point bullshit to outdoorsey hobbies like fishing or rock climbing or hiking or whatever,) and found NONE of them to be appealing whatsoever.
Me: Your issue with what I do is that all the things i derive pleasure from, be they computers, games, internet, books, etc, are all indoor and solitary activities... what's wrong with that
Him: All things in moderation.
Me: But what's the point of having them in moderation if I've already explored other options and found them to be unenjoyable?
In the end this invariably leads back to his vague definition of "enjoying life", which generally means (for him) social interaction with others. I go to school and I work (though not at the moment.) I have profs I don't like, classmates I don't like, roommates I don't like, and when I'm employed, coworkers I don't like, and customers I don't like. I almost invariably find other people to be hell - just things I need to deal with so I can go the fuck home and do what I like to do. However, he (and he is in the vast majority in our society) hold up this social interaction as one of the greatest of life's experiences.
Him: Life is comedy between pals, fighting and rivalry friendly-style between them, the same with enemies as well, though to a lesser extent.
Me: I don't find this to be appealing, I've only experienced it a rare few times and it's nothing special.
Him: But those rare few times are what you should be living for! You should be looking back at the end of your life thinking of those moments and saying "That was the best experience of my life!"
Me: I don't want to live stringing together snippets of "best time evar" memories together on a cheap plastic Bratz do-it-yourself necklace kit. Maybe other people can live their life like that, but I can't.
I don't want to have a life where I force myself to like a group of people so I can create memories with them and constantly relive those memories when those people aren't around. People like this, these socialites end up marrying the first person they find that can stand them not out of any kind of love but out of sheer loneliness and fear of being alone at death. They have children that walk all over them with a mate they didn't like, and spend the rest of their years looking back on the "hight of their life" with a heaving sigh.
I don't want that. And I've found that immersing myself in other worlds than the "real" one - video games, shows, movies, anime, books, novels, the INTERNET - I am constantly bombarded by new experiences, new ways of thought, new ways of viewing reality... Why should I give this up for a few "timeless memories" that I can pine away for as I grow old and crusty? It's like an old grumpy saggy titty woman looking at her high school yearbook photo of her being a cheerleader.
Think about it, we've probably all done this one before. Ever sat at the computer at maybe 7 PM and opened an interesting wikipedia link, and read, and thought it was really intriguing so you opened related topics and read them, and kept absorbing more information, and being genuinely entertained on a semi-intellectual level by reading all of this neat stuff, and suddenly holy crap it's 3 AM I have work in four hours oh shit oh shit oh shit. We've all done that, we all know what it's like. This is a prime example of the kind of thing I'm talking about. You'll probably never remember the stuff you read about, but while you were reading you were, on some level, being intellectually stimulated. If you could constantly do this, be exposed to new methods of thought, new philosophies, new theories, new stories, new ways of being entertained... would you give it up?
Is it so bad that I enjoy isolation from other people? I still go to school, get decent grades, pay my bills - do everything required to fill survival needs and any other responsibilities concerning school/work. Any time, money, energy etc I have left over when those tasks are accomplished I can do with what I want, so why is there such a massive push to be social, especially on those who have no desire to be? Why should I force myself to attend events I'm not interested in to see people I don't like? How did the 'unhealthy' label even get applied to people living this way? Is it because they don't have any friends or they don't go out? But if they WILLINGLY have no friends and have no desire to go out, is that unhealthy? Why is the 'unhealthy' label slapped to people who simply want to do what they need to do to live and then be left to their own devices?
tl;dr - Is it so bad to avoid social interaction and isolate yourself from others? If you willingly do it, derive pleasure from it, enjoy your life, and still manage to not act unadjusted when you DO go into public, can you still be labeled psychologically unhealthy?