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Slotted equips?

I was wondering if there was a way (With scripting) to have weapons, and armor with slots(Similar to online rpgs.).

What you would do is... have an item, prefferably a card, and insert it into an item.
Item 1: Chain Mail
Item 2: Card of Power

End Result: Chain Mail of Power

(Of course the card would have some sort of stat upgrade, like hp+200 or whatnot.)

Thanks in advance. :thumb:
yes i like it too can someone make that script hehehehehe
i think this is a big project and cost a lot of time
but its a really nice if in the future if we can use this so i'm requesting also.
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Well I want referring you to that part the General Guidelines by Request Type: section. The script you are requestion falls under Custom Menu System and Custom System.

What you would do is... have an item, prefferably a card, and insert it into an item.
an item being inserted into what kind of item? should it be inserted into Armors? Weapons? Other Items?

Of course the card would have some sort of stat upgrade, like hp+200 or whatnot.

Well It would be nice if you give more information, what else should happen, give more information.

Also no screens/mock up on how it should look. Now this is your script not the person who scripts it for you



It sounds alot like the ragnarok online card system, where you would be able to insert a card into any equipable item that has a designated socket. upon equipping said card the equipment would be renamed and you wouldn't be able to take out the card.

for instance, add the "pupa" card (+800 or so HP) to "Padded Armor [1]" (the 1 in the name dictates that the armor has 1 slot) and it would become "Hard Padded Armor" which is essentially the exact same armor, though with +800 or so max HP for the character equipping it.

Not only would these cards raise stats, some would allow the use of skills and whatnot.
yes thats the game i first thought about when i saw this lol

like kio said, the cards would be slotted into weapons, armor, accessories etc
there would be a number after the name of the item like crossbow [2] meaning it has 2 slots. any card can be equipped to this even 2 of the same card if you have them but once you add the card to it you cant remove it so you have to be careful of your choice.

certain card give stats increase like dex +2 agi +1 etc or give you a skill or stat effect like able to use detoxify lvl 1 or 5% chance of stunning an enemy. the names of the item change depending on what the card does or the monster like if a skeleton card was equipped it would change to keen crossbow.

the way it works in ragnarok is the cards are not under the equip menu but under the other/etc section of items and when you select 1, it would bring up a list of items you have with you that could be slotted with a card (the item has to be unequipped or it wont show up in the list) and then you choose one from the list and it slots intself to the item and adds the effect while that item is equipped
Well, I was hopign you could insert it into multiple kinds of items, both weapons and armor.

And Kio, Ragnarok Online was where I got the idea.
Only, the Pupa Card gives +700 hp.

The armors would only have one slot, but the weapons could have up to four.
Whoops, can't forget accessories, one slot.

Yeah, the card would give stat upgrades, or skills. It could possibly even open up a new switch which I would use for a secret dungeon?

Thanks for telling me where it was, time to search for it.
I think I've found it.
Was this the link?

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