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Skills : Drain & Osmosis

Skills : Drain/Osmosis
Version: 3.5
By: Kain Nobel


This script is deticated to handling skills that absorb HP and SP. With this, you can set the custom font and display strings of HP/SP absorb damage and specify each skills direct, percent and allowed variance to absorb.


  • Set Skills that can drain HP/SP
  • You can set the direct HP/SP drawn from each skill's damage
  • You can set the percent HP/SP drawn from each skill's damage
  • You can set a variance on HP/SP drawn from each skill's damage
  • Set the font/color and string display of absored HP/SP
  • Set the returning animation of absorbtion
  • Automatically applies Drain HP element tag to skills that drain HP.
  • Automatically applies Drain SP element tag to skills that drain SP.
  • Settings are all commented and easy for non-scripters to understand.



# ** Skills : Drain/Osmosis




# * SDK Log


SDK.log('Skills.Drain/Osmosis', 'Kain Nobel ©', 3.5, '2009.06.17')

SDK.check_requirements(2.4, [1, 2])


# * SDK Enabled Test : Begin


if SDK.enabled?('Skills.Drain/Osmosis')



# ** RPG::Skill



class RPG::Skill


  # ** RPG::Skill::Drain


  module Drain


    # * HP Drain Element Tag ID (set inside Database/System tab).


    HP_Element_Tag = nil


    # * SP Drain Element Tag ID (set inside Database/System tab).


    SP_Element_Tag = nil


    # * Font Name for Drain Damage String.


    DamageFontName = "Arial Black"


    # * Font Size for Drain Damage String.


    DamageFontSize = 28


    # * Damage font for drain damage is bolded?


    DamageFontBold = false


    # * Damage font for drain damage is italicized?


    DamageFontItal = false


    # * Color for text outline displaying HP drain value.


    HP_ColorBack = Color.new(0, 160, 0)


    # * Color for main text color displaying HP drain value.


    HP_ColorMain = Color.new(0, 255, 0)


    # * Color for text outline displaying SP drain value.


    SP_ColorBack = Color.new(160, 0, 160)


    # * Color for main text color displaying SP drain value.


    SP_ColorMain = Color.new(255, 0, 255)


    # * Reformat the Damage String for draining HP    (ie "HP +[x]") [x] = value


    HP_DamageFormat = "HP +[x]"


    # * Reformat the Damage String for draining SP    (ie "HP +[x]") [x] = value


    SP_DamageFormat = "SP +[x]"


    # * Animation played to the reciever of drained HP/SP.      (skill_id => n)


    Animation   = {7 => 15}


    # * The percent to drain from damage inflicted on HP.       (skill_id => n)


    HP_Percent  = {1 => 100, 6 => 100, 7 => 100, 9 => 100}


    # * A direct value to drain from damage inflicted on HP.    (skill_id => n)


    HP_Direct   = {}


    # * Allowed variance to +/- from sub total HP drained.      (skill_id => n)


    HP_Variance = {}


    # * The percent to drain from damage inflicted on SP.       (skill_id => n)


    SP_Percent   = {}


    # * A direct value to drain from damage inflicted on SP.    (skill_id => n)


    SP_Direct    = {}


    # * Allowed variance to +/- from sub total SP drained.      (skill_id => n)


    SP_Variance = {}


    # * Critical Flag to be set when draining (this is an scripter thing...)


    Critical_Flag = "Drain/Osmosis"


    # * Default Settings (You might not want to modify these...)


    Animation.default   = 0

    HP_Percent.default  = 0

    HP_Direct.default   = 0

    HP_Variance.default = 0

    SP_Percent.default  = 0

    SP_Direct.default   = 0

    SP_Variance.default = 0



  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :drainskill_rpgskill_initialize, :initialize


  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize


    if self.drain_hp? && !@element_set.include?(Drain::HP_Element_Tag)

      unless Drain::HP_Element_Tag.nil?

        @element_set << Drain::HP_Element_Tag



    if self.drain_sp? && !@element_set.include?(Drain::SP_Element_Tag)

      unless Drain::SP_Element_Tag.nil?

        @element_set << Drain::SP_Element_Tag





  # * Drain Animation


  def drain_animation

    return Drain::Animation[@id]



  # * HP Drain Percent


  def hp_drain_percent

    return Drain::HP_Percent[@id]



  # * HP Drain Direct


  def hp_drain_direct

    return Drain::HP_Direct[@id]



  # * HP Drain Variance


  def hp_drain_variance

    return Drain::HP_Variance[@id]



  # * SP Drain Percent


  def sp_drain_percent

    return Drain::SP_Percent[@id]



  # * SP Drain Direct


  def sp_drain_direct

    return Drain::SP_Direct[@id]



  # * SP Drain Variance


  def sp_drain_variance

    return Drain::SP_Variance[@id]



  # * HP Drain


  def hp_drain(value)

    unless hp_drain_percent.zero?

      value *= hp_drain_percent / 100.0


    value += hp_drain_direct

    value += rand(2).zero? ? -hp_drain_variance : hp_drain_variance

    return Integer(value)



  # * SP Drain


  def sp_drain(value)

    unless sp_drain_percent.zero?

      value *= sp_drain_percent / 100.0


    value += sp_drain_direct

    value += rand(2).zero? ? -sp_drain_variance : sp_drain_variance

    return Integer(value)



  # * Drain?


  def drain?

    return (hp_drain? || sp_drain?)



  # * HP Drain?


  def hp_drain?

    return (!hp_drain_percent.zero? || !hp_drain_direct.zero?)



  # * SP Drain?


  def sp_drain?

    return (!sp_drain_percent.zero? || !sp_drain_direct.zero?)





# ** Game_BattleAction



class Game_BattleAction


  # * Public Instance Variables


  attr_accessor :drain_hp

  attr_accessor :drain_sp


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :drainskill_gmbtlact_clear, :clear


  # * Clear


  def clear


    @drain_hp = 0

    @drain_sp = 0





# ** Game_Battler



class Game_Battler


  # * Public Instance Variables


  attr_accessor :drain_animation


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :drainskill_gmbtlr_skleff,   :skill_effect

  alias_method :drainskill_gmbtlr_skleffec, :skill_effect_effective_correction


  # * Skill Effect


  def skill_effect(user, skill)

    unless skill.drain?

      return drainskill_gmbtlr_skleff(user, skill)


    old_hp, old_sp = self.hp, self.sp

    effective = drainskill_gmbtlr_skleff(user, skill)

    last_damage = self.damage

    self.damage = 0

    hit, hit_result = skill_effect_first_hit_result(user, skill)

    effective = skill_effect_effective_correction(effective, hit)

    if hit_result

      power = skill_effect_power(user, skill)

      rate = skill_effect_rate(user, skill)

      skill_effect_base_damage(power, rate)


      if self.damage > 0




      hit, hit_result = skill_effect_second_hit_result(user, skill)

      effective = skill_effect_effective_correction(effective, hit)


    if hit_result

      effective = true if skill_effect_physical_hit_result(skill)

      last_sp = self.sp

      self.sp -= self.damage

      effective = self.sp != last_sp

      @state_changed = false

      effective |= states_plus(skill.plus_state_set)

      effective |= states_minus(skill.minus_state_set)






    hp_drain = skill.hp_drain(old_hp - self.hp)

    sp_drain = skill.sp_drain(old_sp - self.sp)

    user.hp += [hp_drain, 0].max

    user.sp += [sp_drain, 0].max

    self.damage   = last_damage

    user.critical = RPG::Skill::Drain::Critical_Flag


      user.current_action.drain_hp += hp_drain

      user.current_action.drain_sp += sp_drain


      p user.current_action, hp_drain, sp_drain



    user.damage = Array.new

    user.damage << [user.current_action.drain_hp, 0].max

    user.damage << [user.current_action.drain_sp, 0].max

    unless skill.drain_animation.zero? || skill.drain_animation.nil?

      user.drain_animation = skill.drain_animation


    return effective



  # * Skill Effect Effective Correction


  def skill_effect_effective_correction(effective, hit)

    return (rand(2) <= 1) if effective.is_a?(Array)

    drainskill_gmbtlr_skleffec(effective, hit)





# ** Scene_Battle



class Scene_Battle < SDK::Scene_Base


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :drainskill_scnbtl_updatep4s6,       :update_phase4_step6


  # * Update Phase 4 : Step 6


  def update_phase4_step6

    draining_battlers.each do |battler|

      battler.damage_pop = true

      unless battler.drain_animation == 0 || battler.drain_animation.nil?

        battler.animation_id = battler.drain_animation

        battler.animation_hit = true

        battler.drain_animation = nil






  # * Draining Battlers


  def draining_battlers

    battlers = Array.new

    $game_party.actors.each do |actor|

      if actor.current_action.drain_hp || actor.current_action.drain_sp

        battlers << actor



    $game_troop.enemies.each do |enemy|

      if enemy.current_action.drain_hp || enemy.current_action.drain_sp

        battlers << enemy



    battlers.each do |battler|

      battler.current_action.drain_hp = 0

      battler.current_action.drain_sp = 0







# ** RPG::Sprite



class RPG::Sprite < ::Sprite


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :drainskill_RPGsprite_damage, :damage


  # * Damage


  def damage(value, critical)

    unless value.is_a?(Array) && critical == RPG::Skill::Drain::Critical_Flag

      drainskill_RPGsprite_damage(value, critical)




    hp_drain = RPG::Skill::Drain::HP_DamageFormat.dup

    hp_drain.gsub!("[x]", "#{value[0]}")

    hp_drain.gsub!("+", "-") if value[0] < 0

    sp_drain = RPG::Skill::Drain::SP_DamageFormat.dup

    sp_drain.gsub!("[x]", "#{value[1]}")

    sp_drain.gsub!("+", "-") if value[1] < 0

    bitmap = Bitmap.new(160, 8 + (RPG::Skill::Drain::DamageFontSize * 2))

    bitmap.font.name    = RPG::Skill::Drain::DamageFontName

    bitmap.font.size    = RPG::Skill::Drain::DamageFontSize

    bitmap.font.bold    = RPG::Skill::Drain::DamageFontBold

    bitmap.font.italic  = RPG::Skill::Drain::DamageFontItal

    bitmap.font.color = RPG::Skill::Drain::HP_ColorBack

    bitmap.draw_text(-1, 12-1, 160, 40, hp_drain, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(+1, 12-1, 160, 40, hp_drain, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(-1, 12+1, 160, 40, hp_drain, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(+1, 12+1, 160, 40, hp_drain, 1)

    bitmap.font.color = RPG::Skill::Drain::HP_ColorMain

    bitmap.draw_text(0, 12, 160, 40, hp_drain, 1)

    bitmap.font.color = RPG::Skill::Drain::SP_ColorBack

    y = bitmap.font.size + 2

    bitmap.draw_text(-1, y-1, 160, 40, sp_drain, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(+1, y-1, 160, 40, sp_drain, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(-1, y+1, 160, 40, sp_drain, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(+1, y+1, 160, 40, sp_drain, 1)

    bitmap.font.color = RPG::Skill::Drain::SP_ColorMain

    bitmap.draw_text(0, y, 160, 40, sp_drain, 1)

    @_damage_sprite = ::Sprite.new(self.viewport)

    @_damage_sprite.bitmap = bitmap

    @_damage_sprite.ox = 80

    @_damage_sprite.oy = 20

    @_damage_sprite.x = self.x

    @_damage_sprite.y = self.y - self.oy / 2

    @_damage_sprite.z = 3000

    @_damage_duration = 40





# * SDK Enabled Test : End




Place below SDK, above main. Please read the instructions on the settings in the script, they are all commented and easy to understand. If you have any further questions please don't be shy to ask.


I'll add later if need be...


The version posted @ Punk's Hideout doesn't work with my BattleLog, please use the one posted here.

This script requires SDK 2.4 because of the way it breaks down Game_Battler#skill_effect method. Without SDK, the skill_effect method is a friggin' mess and hard to effectively alias stuff like this to, sorry :/

Author's Notes

Vote Trickster for member you most want to come back! My coding concepts in this is very much like he would've done, I think he'd be proud to know he's influencing another scripter to be great like him ;)

You can also vote me Scripter if the Year if you'd like, but only if you really feel I am as there are a few other great minds around here ;)

Terms and Conditions

Free to use in commercial and non-commercial projects alike, please don't forget to credit Kain Nobel.
Hello, I am wondering you should help me.

It is possible to put a small video (swf or avi) instead of the default animation?

I have Flash and Avi player scripts working, maybe it is possible or maybe not.
I have no idea about writting ruby sorry.

I really enjoy any news from you, Nice work mate.

Well, in order for an AVI script to work in general within the battle scene, it all depends on if it requires changing the $scene object, ie $scene = Scene_AVI.new or something. If it does then it might mess something up when trying to go back to the point you were in the battle scene, I'd have to look into it (but I'm not gonna have the time to look into that anytime soon, sorry.)

Otherwise, if the AVI script opens a new Game.exe thread to display then yes, you should be able to play an AVI through any skill by having it call a CommonEvent, in theory. Do you understand what I'm talking about?

I can't really help you more on that subject, I don't have an AVI script (or any .avi or .swf files for that matter), but there recently was a topic in Script Support which you should look up which covered this matter, I believe the answer was found. It was posted about a week or two, so if you dig you should eventually find it.

BTW, I'm glad you enjoy my work, thank you for stopping by! :D

And thank you too MCsephiroth13! :D
[Shit removed]

Dude you could not spam other peoples topics with off topic problems? Make a new thread in script support please.
@superfanqui : Thank you for that, but this topic doesn't have anything to do with playing video animations for skills or the ZTBS. If you need a compatability fix for a certain battle system, thats understandable and in that case I'll look into it, but please don't ask anymore about the video script, use script support instead, thanks.

Also, you might want to contact Gubid about fixing the CommonEvent issue when using skills, since he's the author of that battle system and I know little to nothing about it.

@DoctorChaos : Yes, I'll make a non-SDK version as soon as I find some free time, but I do have alot going on right now so it might be a couple weeks. Please keep in mind, without SDK other skill_effect mods probably won't stack smoothy or might be ignored, this is the only downfall of non-SDK. If you don't have any other skill_effect additions though, it should work fine when its posted.

On the other hand, you can still use the SDK's method split of skill_effect for now without having to actually have the SDK installed. Just paste it above all other custom scripts which modify that method and they should work fine, in theory.

class Game_Battler


  # * Apply Skill Effects


  def skill_effect(user, skill)

    # Skill Effects Setup


    # Return False If Out of Scope

    return false if skill_effect_scope(skill)

    # Setup Effective

    effective = skill_effect_effective_setup(skill)

    # First hit detection

    hit, hit_result = skill_effect_first_hit_result(user, skill)

    # Set effective flag if skill is uncertain

    effective = skill_effect_effective_correction(effective, hit)

    # If hit occurs

    if hit_result

      # Calculate power

      power = skill_effect_power(user, skill)

      # Calculate rate

      rate = skill_effect_rate(user, skill)

      # Calculate basic damage

      skill_effect_base_damage(power, rate)

      # Element correction


      # If damage value is strictly positive

      if self.damage > 0

        # Guard correction



      # Dispersion


      # Second hit detection

      hit, hit_result = skill_effect_second_hit_result(user, skill)

      # Set effective flag if skill is uncertain

      effective = skill_effect_effective_correction(effective, hit)


    # If hit occurs

    if hit_result

      # Physical Hit Detection

      effective = true if skill_effect_physical_hit_result(skill)

      # Deal Damage

      effective = skill_effect_damage

      # State change

      @state_changed = false

      effective |= states_plus(skill.plus_state_set)

      effective |= states_minus(skill.minus_state_set)

      # Skill Effect 0 Power Test


    # If miss occurs


      # Apply Miss Effects



    # Skill Effect Damage Fix


    # End Method

    return effective



  # * Skill Effect : Setup


  def skill_effect_setup

    self.critical = false



  # * Skill Effect : Scope Test


  def skill_effect_scope(skill)

    # If skill scope is for ally with 1 or more HP, and your own HP = 0,

    # or skill scope is for ally with 0, and your own HP = 1 or more

    return (((skill.scope == 3 or skill.scope == 4) and self.hp == 0) or

            ((skill.scope == 5 or skill.scope == 6) and self.hp >= 1))



  # * Skill Effect : Effective Setup


  def skill_effect_effective_setup(skill)

    effective = false

    return effective |= skill.common_event_id > 0



  # * Skill Effect : First Hit Result


  def skill_effect_first_hit_result(user, skill)

    hit = skill.hit

    if skill.atk_f > 0

      hit *= user.hit / 100


    return hit, (rand(100) < hit)



  # * Skill Effect : Skill Effective


  def skill_effect_effective_correction(effective, hit)

    return effective |= hit < 100



  # * Skill Effect : Power


  def skill_effect_power(user, skill)

    power = skill.power + user.atk * skill.atk_f / 100

    if power > 0

      power -= self.pdef * skill.pdef_f / 200

      power -= self.mdef * skill.mdef_f / 200

      power = [power, 0].max


    return power



  # * Skill Effect : Rate


  def skill_effect_rate(user, skill)

    # Calculate rate

    rate = 20

    rate += (user.str * skill.str_f / 100)

    rate += (user.dex * skill.dex_f / 100)

    rate += (user.agi * skill.agi_f / 100)

    rate += (user.int * skill.int_f / 100)

    # Return Rate

    return rate



  # * Skill Effect : Base Damage


  def skill_effect_base_damage(power, rate)

    self.damage = power * rate / 20



  # * Skill Effect : Element Correction


  def skill_effect_element_correction(skill)

    self.damage *= elements_correct(skill.element_set)

    self.damage /= 100



  # * Skill Effect : Guard Correction


  def skill_effect_guard_correction

    self.damage /= 2 if self.guarding?



  # * Skill Effect : Disperation


  def skill_effect_disperation(skill)

    if skill.variance > 0 and self.damage.abs > 0

      amp = [self.damage.abs * skill.variance / 100, 1].max

      self.damage += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp




  # * Skill Effect : Second Hit Detection


  def skill_effect_second_hit_result(user, skill)

    eva = 8 * self.agi / user.dex + self.eva

    hit = self.damage < 0 ? 100 : 100 - eva * skill.eva_f / 100

    hit = self.cant_evade? ? 100 : hit

    return hit, (rand(100) < hit)



  # * Skill Effect : Physical Hit Result


  def skill_effect_physical_hit_result(skill)

    # If physical attack has power other than 0

    if skill.power != 0 and skill.atk_f > 0

      # State Removed by Shock


      # Return True

      return true


    # Return False

    return false



  # * Skill Effect : Damage


  def skill_effect_damage

    # Substract damage from HP

    last_hp = self.hp

    self.hp -= self.damage

    return self.hp != last_hp



  # * Skill Effect : Power 0 Test


  def skill_effect_power0(skill)

    # If power is 0

    if skill.power == 0

      # Set damage to an empty string

      self.damage = ""

      # If state is unchanged

      unless @state_changed

        # Set damage to "Miss"

        self.damage = 'Miss'





  # * Skill Effect : Miss


  def skill_effect_miss

    self.damage = 'Miss'



  # * Skill Effect : Damage Fix


  def skill_effect_damagefix

    self.damage = nil unless $game_temp.in_battle


Nice worked out how to event it so that it "drains" skills from enemies first make a nonresistance skill called Lanced or what ever you want to call it and then attach a battle event to it so that when lance is used and the character that is your "Kimarhri" uses the skill on an enemy that has a skill that can be learned it shows the text of: "character name" has learnt skill "skill name". And that is how it is done.

Also how do I edit it? The instructions arn't that clear so help appreceated thanks.

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