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skill level system

Well, i question me, why not impleement a skill level system like Runescape, customizable, with variables..


1-you can add skills:

2- You can select the numbers of level to up. 10,20,30

3- you can customize the level upgrading by variables.

Cooking leveling 0/20 (variable 00001 +1)
Cooking leveling 1/20

4- All skill have an icon, this icon is customizable too.

the level is determinated by a variable, this is good because you can use this variables with the conditional branches.
There is something similar to this. If you look at submitted scripts, you should find PrexCraft, which includes these, if not all the skills you want, and there are levels. They might not work exactly like runescape, but they're nice. Try it out and see.

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