I made a skill similar to this that might help get you on the right track. It shows the enemy's HP and MP, but not any elemental weaknesses (Sorry if I can't help you there).
First, make a skill that does two things:
1)It applies a State Change (call it whatever you want, I called it "Assessing") to the enemy you use it on. 2)It runs a common event that does the following:
1. Checks the status of each enemy, starting from 1, to see if they have the "Assessing" state applied.
2. If that enemy has that status, you assign a temporary variable to whatever enemy stat you want to have shown, using the Control Variables Event.
3. Have a text box display the stat name, followed by that variable (for example: "Hit Points: \v[nnnn]" where nnnn is the four-digit variable number you just assigned.)
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for every enemy stat you want shown (Elemental weaknesses are not assignable, so I don't know how you would do that. Sorry. :down

5. Remove the "Assessing" state from that enemy.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for the next enemy, going all the way to number 8.
Hope this helps! :smile: