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Skie's Animated Battlers & Requests(Closed)

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I need to take a break from my game, so I've decided to take some animated battler requests. Here is an example of my work. Those will be done and posted for public use sometime.



Name: Meir Fen
Class: Beast Swordswoman

Name: Eir Alazne
Class: Shadow Nature Spirit

Name: Fighter 008
Class: Duelist

----- RULES -----

Following in the steps of Hanzo's topic, I'm going to adopt an organized 'order form' kind of thing. This is how it goes.

Name of Request:
Reference Pictures:
Proof of work/project topic/etc:

--- Other guidelines ---

1. USE THE FORM. If not, I will ignore your request when considering

2. You must have reference pictures, your request will be ignored if you do not have any.

3. As an addition to the reference picture rule. I will ignore your request if your references consist of stuff like Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, etc characters. I'm not in the mood for spriting blatant rip-offs. I can make exceptions if whatever you're using is obscure enough, but in most cases, it'll be a no.

4. No stupid/over-designed/ridiculous weapons. Period.

5. Last but definitely not least. Show me proof that you will not waste my time. Project topics, videos, screenshots, anything visual that you can use to help your case.

Sorry for being so fierce, but this is how I operate. I've seen and experienced so much stupidity regarding requests that this is how I handle it. Now then, with that out of the way...request away!

Requests Taken

1. Atemu - Blonde Girl Battler

2. Iceplosion - Fencer Guy

3. Third333strike - Staff Fighter

4. busbuzz - Jack

5. Dalton - Nosh

6. Shin Alcatraz - Aeternum Kafkaesk(Offsite request)



o_o That's really nice.  Do you do battlers only from sprites as an example or is it possible from a single picture as well?
I like them, and I want them to!, can you contribute them ..maybe?
And I also want to request.. 4 things.. And are your up to the challenge, tell me okey? :P
Atemu: A description is fine as well. Provided it's detailed enough.

Twisted Dragon: Get out. Okay really. One thing now if I take you up. Another thing in the next cycle if I pick you again. You're boned on the other two I'm afraid.
All right then. <3

*puts in first bid!*

I actually have two characters, the only characters that are in your party for the whole game, though the girl is more important.  And yes, I read what you said to Twisted.  I'd prefer them put into Minkoff format, but I'm not going to cry if you don't.

Anyway; both are about adverage height and weight, though the guy is a little taller than the girl:

Girl character
Hair: Blonde and long, but pushed away from her face.
Eyes: Green
    * Top is a very short brown tank top that just barely covers her chest.
    * Bottom is just simple black pants.
    * Boots look like they were part of a set of gray-ish armor, though they're scuffed and broken.
    * Accessories consist of a silver band on each forearm, and a silver circlet on her head.
Weapon: A scythe or a sickle, whichever is easier (though I prefer the scythe).
Personality: Strict and confident in herself.

Guy character
Hair: Short, reddish hair (like Conan O'Brian red)
Eyes: Blue
    * Top is a "it was white once" color; obviously well worn; tucked into the pants, short sleeves, no collar.
    * Bottom is simple pair of brown pants.
    * Boots are black riding boots; pant legs are over the boots.
    * Accessories consist of a pair of brown, fingerless gloves.
Weapon: Sword.
Personality: A little goofy, obviously not used to fighting much of anything.

I hope that's enough.  :x
Is it possible for you making a battler from the "fighter08"-girl of the RTP? I need this.
style should be like yours ( I mean also "Whiteties-like"), but please use the head of the RTP-Chara, like greenraven did it at his battlers. If you have questions, ask me please. ^^
How long do you need for this? I need it in the next weeks. of course, you get a credit-entry from me in my game.
I hope, you can manage it. ;D

(Sorry for my "weird" english. I'm from germany, and english isn't really one of my strength's...^^")
Skie Fortress":2b0wsewo said:
Atemu: A description is fine as well. Provided it's detailed enough.

Twisted Dragon: Get out. Okay really. One thing now if I take you up. Another thing in the next cycle if I pick you again. You're boned on the other two I'm afraid.

What did I do? O.O, please don't "bone" me, since I'm just TraniXz, the brother of Twisted..SO..Well, please tell me what I did and I'll get...better.. ?
Sorata: Sure, I'll do it. It shouldn't take too long.

Mistribe: I'd have to know who you want from the VX cast before I make that decision.

Twisted Dragon: You're blowing it out of proportion. I was kidding. Now make a request if you have one and stop being so melodramatic.
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